Chapter 11 part 1

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Draco's POV - Once we had our breakfast, we went back to our dorm room and snuggled up together on the sofa, looking at their photo album of their memories they made as they smile at one another. "Draco ... can i ask you a question?" Hermione asked quietly. "You just did love." I replied jokingly, she just looked at me with a 'that's not funny' look. "Sorry angel, what is it that you wanted to ask me?" I said apologizing for my stupid joke. "What  do you want to do after we leave here?" She asked. I paused then answered "well i would like to be a healer or start up my potions store, you?" I replied snuggling up closer to her. "Really, well i would either be a healer or open my own book store,or be a S.P.E.W campaigner." She answered as she tried to hide a yawn and snuggling up closer to me. Soon enough, as i looked down at the girl of my dreams, sleeping on my shoulder.

I gently got up off of the sofa and lifted my angel up and carried her to what is now known as our room, i placed her softly down on my comfy king sized bed and pulled the covers up to keep her warm and then went out of the room and down to the kitchen in our common room to cook up my girl like a good boyfriend i am,  one of her favourite dishes - hunter's chicken and pasta with garlic bread, potato skins and salad and for dessert - a chocolate sponge cake with chocolate ganache sauce and lemon drop sweets on top and around the edges and for drink - a nice, steamy hot cup of peppermint tea for my love.

*time skips* Few hours later, My beautiful sweetheart wakes up from her rest and comes down stairs to a candle lit lunch with me, holding a her favourite bouquet of flowers - white and violet coloured lillies. "Lunch is served my lady." i said whilst bowing and kissing her hand like a true gentleman. "Wow, you did all of this for me, you are so sweet." she replied and walked over to me and kissed me gently. "Welcome, my girl deserves the best and you are my girl, so you deserve the finest food, cooked and served by yours truly, so shall we?" i said whilst pulling out Hermione's chair and then pushing it like a true gentleman that i am. 

Once we finished our food, we discussed more about what to do after we leave Hogwarts and start making plans for once exams were over and since we had no lessons today, we got the books out and started making head way on revising for exams coming up and that is what we did until dinner, then relaxed for a little bit before continuing with the studying and this is what our routine was for the next few weeks leading up to the exams, except for the food that we ate at lunch time. 

Stay tuned for more, sorry it's been so long since i updated, just been busy with work and other bits too. please vote, like and follow me and my stories. 

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