Chapter 17 - Wedding of the century

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Today was the day, It has finally came around, the day Hermione and Draco get married and Both of them were getting the pre wedding jitters, Draco more than Hermione. "Calm down mate she will turn up, she would be an idiot if she didn't, she loves you mate so relax, here drink this." Blaise said handing his best mate a glass of fire-whiskey to calm him down. "Better?" He asked. Draco nodded as he felt the smoky taste of the liquid go down his throat and work its magic on his nerves. "Seriously man, you're usually so calm and chill, what happened." Blaise asked joking around with his mate. "I don't know Blaise, i guess Hermione makes me nervous." Draco replied a little bit more relaxed. 

There was a knock on the door and Narcissa popped her head in. "Oh look at my boy, all grown up and getting married, come here and give your mother a hug before i lose it." She said hugging her son and trying not to cry. "Mother, don't cry please, i can't deal with people crying." He said hugging her back. "You're right, i'm sorry, i just remember you as a little boy and now you're all grown up, now you should get downstairs and outside near the wooden gazebo alter, go go go now move move." Narcissa said letting go of her son and wiping her tears and motioning with her hands to her son to get outside. "You too Blaise, go go now." She continued as Blaise walked out of the room after Draco. As the boys headed to the alter, the guests started piling in and taking their designated seats either side of the aisle. Once they got to the alter, Draco saw all his hard work he put in all around the beautiful gardens and grounds of his home, he took a deep breath in and let it out, calming himself down and gearing himself up to see his beautiful bride walk towards him. 

"Dray, i will see you in a bit  i have to go and escort Luna into the ceremony, just relax, deep breaths and she will be by your side in no time." Blaise said clapping his mate on the back of his shoulder before walking off towards where the bridesmaids were. Draco nodded and continued breathing in and out to help himself relax. Blaise finally made it to where the girls were, he knocked on the door. "knock knock, only the best man." They opened the door and revealed the bridesmaids and then the bride. 

The bridesmaids and maid of honour's dress

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The bridesmaids and maid of honour's dress. 

"Wow, Hermione you look stunningly beautiful, Draco is not going to know what hit him when he sees you, his breath will be taken away." Blaise said hugging her. "Thank you Blaise that was what is was going for." Hermione replied hugging him back. "So are we ready to get this show on the road then?" Blaise said. "Yes, let's get me married." Hermione said giggling. They are set off downstairs and headed towards the entrance where they would started of from, they started to pair up - Blaise with Luna, Harry with Ginny and Theo with Fleur and Then Narcissa giving away Hermione. "You ready dear?" Narcissa asked Her daughter in law. Hermione took a deep breath in and then nodded. "Yes, i'm ready." Hermione replied, then the music started for the bridesmaids and groomsmen to enter down the aisle and take their places either side of the alter. 


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