Chapter 10

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Draco's POV - We reached the Great Hall, smiling hand in hand not caring what others think or say about us. Once we entered the hall, you could hear a pin drop then to spark a reaction out of the other students, we kissed each other which made all the students gasp in shock and we heard a few shrieks.  As we pulled away from one another, we saw 3 people walk towards us looking quite angry, one with red hair (Ron), one with black hair (Pansy) and one with brown hair (Lavender). Once they reached us, they did not look happy and looked like they wanted to avada kedavra us. 

"WHAT THE HELL DRAKIEE, WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THIS MUDBLOOD? YOU MEANT TO BE WITH ME." Pansy yelled then tried to kiss my boyfriend. "DON'T USE THAT WORD AGAINST MY GIRLFRIEND, AND I WAS NEVER WITH YOU AND DON'T CALL ME DRAKIEE, MY NAME IS DRACO, YOU PUG FACED BINT." I yelled back at her whilst standing up for Hermione. "UGHHHH." She replied storming off crying her eyes out. Hermione was trying not to laugh at Parkinson's reaction, but i could see she was struggling and so was i to be honest. 

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It was Weasel's turn next, i had my wand at the ready just in case he tried anything

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It was Weasel's turn next, i had my wand at the ready just in case he tried anything. "What the hell Hermione, how can you go out with this guy, let alone kiss him or be near him, have you forgotten he fought on the dark side and a death eater or do you not care about all those people who were killed by them, he has definitely done something to you, cursed you or gave you something, STAY AWAY FROM HIM...  and you Malfoy stay away from Hermione, you don't deserve her Malfoy, you're a filthy muggle hating death eater." Weasel started ranting at her about staying away from me, which is typical Weasley. 

"What the hell Ronald, i can go out with whoever i want and i can kiss him because he is my boyfriend and i can be near him because he treats me the way i should be treated with respect, love and care. Also I HAVE NOT FORGOT ABOUT THE WAR HOWEVER I HAVE CHOSEN TO MOVE ON AND LEARNED TO FORGIVE AND MOVING ON WITH MY LIFE WHICH IS WANT ALL THOSE PEOPLE WHO SACRIFICED THEIR LIVES WOULD HAVE WANTED ME TO DO AND SO SHOULD YOU, AND DRACO HAS NOT GAVE ME ANYTHING BUT LOVE AND CARE AND ALSO HAS NOT CURSED ME TO DO ANYTHING AND DO ... YOU... DARE ... TELL ME TO STAY AWAY FROM MY BOYFRIEND, YOU DON'T OWN ME AND CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO ANYMORE. " Hermione shouted back at Weasley, giving him a piece of her mind which is hot and hilarious, the look on his face is priceless, Weasley walked back to the Gryffindor table with his head down and face bright red from embarrassment. 

Next up was Brown, brace yourselves people, she is very annoying. "UGH, you two are not meant to be in love and a couple, you are meant to be at each other's throats, throwing insults to one another and sending curses and spell at each other. Why are you not doing that? Why are making my plan fail, UGHH I HATE YOU TWO." she complained and then yelled whilst storming off back to her house table, which we both tried not to laugh at but failed. 

"Well that was interesting but excepted though, anyway i don't care what they think, i love you Draco Lucius Malfoy and i wouldn't have it any other way." Hermione said and kissed me gently and smiled. "Yep, and neither do i and i love you too Hermione Jean Granger and i wouldn't want it any other way either." I replied kissing her back and smiling back at her. We went over to the Slytherin table and had breakfast together. 

Stay tuned for more. 

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