Chapter 8 Part 1

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Warning this chapter may contain sexual content. Images of Hermione's outfit within this chapter and next chapter below. 

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Draco's POV - (Early Saturday morning) I was woken up by the sun streaming into the common through the curtains

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Draco's POV - (Early Saturday morning) I was woken up by the sun streaming into the common through the curtains. As i woke up, i saw the most beautiful sight of golden brown ringlet, the girls of my dreams... no it can't be .... i must be dreaming, so i carefully propped myself up on to my left elbow and peered over to have a closer look at the beauty beside me, wow i'm not dreaming, it really is her, Hermione Granger, the vision and pure definition of beauty and elegance is lying next to me. She looked so peaceful and stunning when she sleeps. I lent down carefully and kissed her neck softly to try and wake her up. As i continued to place soft little kisses on her neck, she began to stir and open those big, beautiful, knee weakening chocolate brown eyes of hers that i could stare and drown in all day. 

"Morning Beautiful, how did you sleep?" I asked in my husky voice, complimenting her which made her smile and blush a faint pink colour on her soft cheeks. "Morning Handsome, i slept wonderfully, what about you?" she replied in her soft, cute voice. "I slept amazing for the first time in my life thanks to you." i answered and i smiled at her and then kissed her gently on the lips and pulled her close to me. She giggled and kissed me back and then pulled away for some air but then kissed me passionately and i responded  with same level of passion. I ran my tongue over her bottom lip, asking for access which she didn't deny me and i battled for dominance against hers and won... i might add, and softly bit her bottom lip making her moan inside my mouth which in turn caused my cock to jump into life and become slight erect. 

Sorry for the short chapter - stay tuned for more 

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