You Mean 'Captain' Jack Sparrow

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Why do I even bother coming here?

This pub is always full of cocky pirates, prostitutes and all other bad types of people. I probably come here because it's the only place a pirate can go to get a drink without being arrested.

"Scarlett! Long time no see." I turned around, inwardly sighing as I saw Tom stood behind me.

Tom always tried to woo me, he was such an annoying flirt. Poor man couldn't read signals very well.

"Wasn't that slap from last night enough to tell you to stay away from me? Or do you need another one?" I threatened.

He looked confused."What?" he questioned.

I had no time for this, he was obviously too drunk to remember. Or perhaps he was just trying to worm his way back to me; not that I'd ever given  him a chance in the first place. Just as I was about to settle back into my seat and enjoy my drink, the bartender rang the bell fiercely, making everyone think he was taking last orders already. However, the next thing he shouted out made us all scramble.

"Everyone out! Quickly! The navy guards are coming!"

Everyone immediately scarpered, not having to be told twice. I ran out the back, my only way of escaping, shoving the crowds out of the way. Looking back as I ran out of the pub, I couldn't see any one looking like they belonged to the navy. Good, they weren't coming my way, not yet anyway. I turned back around, continuing to run, only to see a shadowy figure  suddenly step out of hiding. I had no time to react as they drew their fist back, quickly knocking me down to the ground in seconds. The last thing I saw was pair of boots.

I moaned as I opened my eyes, my head throbbing fiercely as the sun gazed down. Slowly sitting up, I felt dizzy, though realised that it was not because of my head. Looking at the floor and feeling the motion of the waves, I knew where I was; I was on someone's ship.

"Hello luv." I heard a voice say.

Instantly I recognised who it was. When I looked to see if I was right, Captain Jack Sparrow was standing above me surrounded by his crew. Relief washed over me. Thank god I hadn't been captured by any guards or worse. I laughed to myself, not believing that I was back here again.

"Jack, its been a while." I beamed.

"Last time I saw you was in Singapore." he held out a hand.

"Don't remind me." I took it and stood on my feet.

"Welcome to my ship." he expanded his arms out.

"You mean the navy's ship?"

         I could tell it was a British ship. It was too fancy for Jack's taste...and money. He waved his arms about as he headed up to the wheel.

"Everyone, this is Miss Scarlett Pearl. She is a good friend, don't threaten her cause she'll probably beat you to a pulp." Jack pointed out.

         He waved a hand in the air signalling for everyone to get back to their work. Smiling at his statement I joined Jack and stood next to him, resting my arm on his shoulder.

"So, 'Captain' Jack, what have you been up to while I was gone? I bet you missed me." I smiled.

He half grinned."Many, many things Miss Pearl."

            I leaned on the railing that stood in front of the wheel looking around the ship again. Yep, this was definitely a British navy ship.

"You never cease to amaze, Jack." I told him.

"I tend to have that effect on women." Jack grinned.

You Mean 'Captain' Jack SparrowWhere stories live. Discover now