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Freezing water was thrown onto me. I coughed and spluttered as I sat up. The water made me shiver. I looked around the cage to see that it was Jack and I. Will nor Elizabeth were there. The cage was unlocked and we were both shoved outside.

     The sun's heat hit me as soon as we walked into the top deck. Some of the crew members looked up to us but quickly turned away. I couldn't spot Will or Elizabeth up here either.

"Good morning, I hope you two slept well. But enough chat. Get to work." Barbosa ordered.

"Wait, work? Hold on, let go of me!" I cried as a crew member dragged me away.

It turned out that Barbosa had decided to make us scrub the deck all day. I was going to rebel against Barbosa but Jack told me not to. He was very stern too. This meant that he would have a plan. I hope.

     My knuckles were bleeding, my knees were sore and my back ached. We were thrown back into the prison. I expected the same routine the next day. And the next. I just hoped that Jack had something up his sleeve.

"Scarlett! Jack!" Will called. I saw him running towards us,"We are free to go, all of us!"

"No we're not." Jack said lying down.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you really think Barbosa is going to let us go that easily?"

"Now that you say that..."

"Don't worry I have a plan."

                 I had guessed right. Jack and I were scrubbing the decks again. I wanted Jack to tell me his plan but someone would always be too close for him to tell me. The suns heat didn't help with my attitude. I didn't see Will or Elizabeth scrubbing the decks.

"Captain! Look!" someone shouted. More people started to look overboard. Jack and I did too. And there she was.

The Queen Anne's Revenge.

You Mean 'Captain' Jack SparrowWhere stories live. Discover now