Baby Steps

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(Wow guys, 10.4K reads! Thank you so much to everyone who has read, commented and voted. I never thought that this piece of writing would get far but it has. So another big thank you, and I will keep on writing! Bethan xxx)

I had never seen Jack so determined before. He had gone round, telling the whole crew what had happened to me, though he may had exaggerated on the story a bit. Apparently, they all knew that something was wrong with their captain but they had never questioned it, in fear that they would be punished. So when Jack had finished his story telling, they had started planning. I only knew about this because at the end of the day, Jack had informed me on everything. It had only taken him a day!

       Unfortunately, Dorian shut me back up in the bottom deck. I obliged to it all though, knowing that Jack and the crew were up to something. I just wished I knew what their plan was. It was normally me who came up to with the well thought out plans whereas Jack just made it up on the spot. If that was his tactic in the making of this plan, we were all screwed.

"It seems that you are calmer tonight, my darling." He said as he guided me to my room. I was never allowed below deck by myself in case I ran off to hide. The top deck had no hiding places, I had checked.

"Is that so?" Was all I said.

"Yes. I think you're warming up to me." In my head, I was screaming 'No, no, no! I will never warm up to you, you sick son of a-'.

"Come on now darling, it's time for you to go to sleep." He interrupted my thoughts. Trying not to sigh, I dragged myself into the room. Dorian's hand caught mine, pulling me towards him. I squirmed in his hold, feeling disgusted. Why did he always do this at the last minute? He planted a soft kiss onto my forehead, lingering for a slight second. When he finally let go, I quickly retreated into the room, shutting the door behind me. 

        I leaned against the door, steadying my breath. Listening to his footsteps, I waited until it was silent. Once there was no noise but the sea outside, I set to work. I tried to find anything that could unlock me from this room. But I had a better idea.

        I started to scream extremely hard, lying on the bed and thrashing about. Hopefully someone would hear me and tell Dorian. Or better yet Dorian would come himself. This whole crazy act was to make it seem like I had had a nightmare. I even put water on my forehead to make it seem like I was sweating and the thunderstorm outside really helped with the effect too.

"Scarlett! Darling wake up!" I heard Dorian shout as he shook me. Pretending to wake up, I flung myself onto him.

"I was so scared Dorian! I had a horrible nightmare." Oh, here come the tears.

"It's ok, it's all over now." He started stroking my hair. For some reason, I started to melt into his arms. What was this feeling? I couldn't fall for him, not now! Not ever!

"Dorian, if it's alright with you, c-could I stay with you tonight?" I sniffed pulling away.

"Of course, come on." He swooped me off of the bed, holding me bridal style. The corridors below deck seemed to go on forever, making it uncomfortable for me. I was in Dorian's arms and a part of me liked that. Another part didn't.

     His room was much bigger than mine but looked about the same. Gently placing me on one side of the bed, he went around to the other side, sliding into the bed. He was staring at me, though not in a weird way. He looked mesmerised. I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks and tried to look away. Dorian's hand reached out to my waist. However, he didn't grab me or hurt me in anyway.

"Scarlett, please. Look at me." His voice was soft with no demand in it. Reluctantly I faced him again and for some reason, I was crying. He reached over, wiping the tear from my cheek.

"I know this is all an act. You don't love me the way I love you." A pang of guilt washed over me. Why? I had no clue.

"No, Dorian. It's just...I-"

"No, please don't say anything. Just lay with me, for one night that's all I'm asking." Out if the blue, I started nodding. We scooted closer to each other and tangled each others limbs together.


Something washed over me.

       Somehow, this felt right. I felt safe, secure and protected within Dorian's hold. All of these times he had scared me was because he was scared of losing me. He locked me up for safe keeping so that no one would get to me. He sacrificed his reputation for me. As what did I do? I threw it back in his face. And then it hit me.

I was in love with Dorian Seas.

(Ah! So, what does everyone think of the story so far? I just want to know if any of you ship Scarlett and Dorian? Or do you guys prefer Jack and Scarlett? Tell me what you think and maybe even come up with some ship names? Thank you all again xxx)

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