No Sleep For the Wicked

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Before we all knew it, the morning had come. The sun was high up in the sky and Dorian still hadn't been found. My body hadn't stopped shaking. I was beginning to fall asleep but how could I sleep when that monster was still out there? The rum was all gone which Jack complained about, though I wanted to believe he was trying to make me feel better too. For once, I didn't care about the rum, about the ship or about anything else; I just wanted Dorian found.

        Nothing was going to make me go to sleep, I was sure of it. There was no way I would be able to sleep. Jack had tried to persuade me to at least have a little nap but I would have none of it. After multiple times of pressuring me into sleep he gave up and went off in a mood. I was angry at him now. How dare he try and pressure me into sleeping. Could he not see that I was stressed? Why was he moody?

Probably from the lack of rum...

       Suddenly the men started shouting, all of them running around like they had gone mad. I ran down to see what everyone was so fussed about despite my lack of energy. None of them were making any sense as they bumped into one another. I tried to shout over the crowd but no one could hear me. Someone was pushed into me, causing me to fall flat on my back. As I sat up, a hand covered my mouth whilst the other dragged me away. I kept trying to scream but no one would hear me. The doors that led to the bottom deck slammed shut, leaving me to be dragged away in the darkness. And I knew exactly who was taking me.

          Finally the moving stopped. I was in pitch black and I couldn't see a thing. I was about to scream when that someone gagged my mouth, then tied up my hands. My shaking returned followed by heavy breathing. It felt like I was alone for a few minutes but that wasn't the case.

"Oh dear, you have been a bad girl." I heard Dorian's voice.
               My head looked all over the place, trying to see some movement. It didn't work. A candle was lit, showing that Dorian's face was right in front of mine. Due to him scaring me, I jumped, hitting my head on the wall behind me.

"Come now, where's your fight?" Dorian set the candle on a ledge, giving little light to the room. It seemed that we were in some sort of closet."Where is that spark that I fell in love with?"

             He held my chin between his fingers until I scooted away from him. Through my eyes, I glared at him, hoping he would get the hint to leave me alone.

"Such a shame to let you go to waste in a place like this." His fingers trailed up my thigh.

             I kicked my leg but he kneeled on both of them. I was trapped underneath him. The only noise that cane from my mouth was whimpering as his face got closer to mine. I struggled underneath him, doing anything I could to push him off of me. Nothing was working. I stayed still for a few moments, my body pumping with adrenaline. My mind was racing with thoughts, most of them were negatives.

"But don't worry, once your home your talents will not be wasted."

              As he was about to kiss me, I punched his face as best as I could with my bound hands. He staggered back a little so that he was off of my body. Using all of my strength, I pulled myself to my feet. Dorian was still on the floor, so that gave me enough time to untie my feet.

            There were planks of broken wood stacked up in corner and I grabbed one. Though it was hard to hold onto the plank of wood, I managed to whack Dorian around the face with it. After another beating from it, he had finally become unconscious. Running out of the closet, I tried to locate where the top deck would be. All the way I was screaming, soon enough I was going to lose my voice.

       At long last, I was on the top deck. But no one was there. I called out everyone's name however no one answered. After a while of calling names, someone's head popped up out of a barrel, followed by a few others. They hadn't disappeared, they were hiding.

"Cowards." I muttered,"Cowards, all of you!" I screamed.

             More and more of the men came out from their hiding places. I could have sworn there were none up here, I had searched this place.

"It was his idea." A crew member pointed behind me. I turned around and saw Jack, smiling sheepishly.

"Of course it was your idea. No one else could be as stupid as you." I scoffed.

"Ah, yes but-"

"No, Jack! Dorian is down there, unconscious in a closet. I did that, and none of you helped me. I can't believe you lot."


"No! I was the victim in this situation yet I was one that had to do all the work!"

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