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There was a pounding sensation in my head. I slowly sat up, clutching my head in my hands. It had turned dark now which would make it harder to find the two men. I looked around wondering what happened; then I remembered.

"Jack?! Will!?" I shouted out.

         There was no answer. I stood up, finding my balance. Looking around, I spotted Jack's hat on the ground along with some rope. Will must have been untied. Where were they? They wouldn't leave without me would they? As I spun around desperately tried to spot anything that would help me, I saw smoke rising in the distance. There must be people who could help...or not. I put Jack's hat on and set off towards the fire.

        As I got closer I could hear laughing, women laughing. And I could hear Jack talking. I peeked through the bushes, taking caution. A fire was burning and sitting around it were women! Jack and Will were surrounded by them. But these weren't normal women. These were sirens.

"Let us sing for you." I heard one of them said.

         Jack was too drunk to care though I could see that Will was uncomfortable. The sirens started to 'sing'. The only thing was that because I was a woman also, it sounded like screeching to me.

          Sirens are demons in the shape of beautiful women. They lure men to them by singing and offering them food. The food makes them bigger and tastier to eat. Yes, Sirens eat the men afterwards. Other women are not affected by them. When they sing, it's just screeching to our ears. And the food they offer is either disgusting or poisonous.

         I covered my ears as it was giving me a headache. I had to distract the Sirens somehow. Picking up a rock, I threw it into the distance. It made the bushes shake. The Sirens heads immediately looked up in that direction.

"We'll be right back." one of them purred.

         The Sirens slithered into the forest out of site. Now was my chance. I ran over to Jack and Will. Only Will looked pretty pleased to see me.

"Come on you two! We need to get out of here!" I whispered.

"Why? I'm having the time of my life!" Jack was so drunk.

"Jack we need to go." Will agreed.

"These are not normal women. These are Sirens." I told them.

"Oh, I guess we better go then." Jack slowly said, still sounding disappointed.

"You're not going anywhere." I turned around to see that all of the Sirens were blocking our way of escaping.

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