A Goddess

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A huge wave of cold water covered my entire body, making me splutter. Sitting up, I spat out the salt water, along with some sand that was in my mouth. Looking around, I saw that I was on some sort of beach with yet another (bloody) rainforest. No way we had survived. It was impossible. And this certainly wasn't heaven nor hell. My next thought consisted of who might also be alive. And then I saw Jack, wondering around aimlessly.

"Jack!" I flung myself onto him, clasping to his body. He hugged back, tightening the hug.

"Where is that Dorian? I'll give him a piece of my mind. Oh, hold on." Jack suddenly collapsed onto the floor. I pulled him back up again, trying to get him to balance himself.

"Jack, we have to try and find the others. And I hate to say it but, we're going to have to go into the rainforest."

"But what if Dorian is in there?"

"Then you can give him a piece of your mind."

      Wondering through the rainforest, I cursed St all the bugs and plants. How were we supposed to find anyone (that is, if they were alive)? Suddenly, a horn was blown, meaning someone was in these woods. But it didn't sound like our lot. We ignored it at first, hoping that it was nothing and that we could get past this tribe that lived here. But it kept going off, getting closer and closer.

"Your majesty!" A man appeared suddenly. He was well built with trinal patterns covering his tanned body. Holding onto his spear tightly, he made his way towards me before bowing."Come my queen, we must get you back, our king is very worried about you."

"Um, who are you?" I asked, trying to be the bigger person with no weapon. It didn't help that Jack was cowering behind me.

"I am just a regular servant. Please, let me take you as way from this man."

I glanced at Jack, but then stood upright. Maybe if I played along, I could get to this king and sort something out.

Clearing my throat, I began my acting."No, do not take this mam away. He saved my life. I want to award him but to do that I must speak to the king. So I insist that he comes along too." Jack nodded, smiling at the man.

"Fine, but we must go now. It will be dark soon."

     It felt like we were going in circles. Did this man actually know where he was going? Neither Jack or I dared to ask just in case we looked suspicious. And how was I a queen? Maybe it was the fact that I looked like her, or he was new to the job. Coming to an abrubt stop, the man opened up the ground, revealing a tunnel. Gesturing for us to go in, Jack went first. I soon climbed in after but as my feet touched the ground, the man closed the lid and we were stuck in the dark. Taking one step forward, I felt no ground. It was too late now.

      The tunnel was not a tunnel at all. It was some sort of slide that went way too fast for my liking. I found Jack's hand, clinging onto it. We were both screaming on the way down. Tumbling, we came to a stop and light suddenly came to us again.

     Looking up, I saw more people with tribal tattoos on them. They all looked down at us,  not phased by this entry. A guard helped me out of the hole whilst Jack had to climb out himself. Jack's groaning faded away as I saw Dorian walked down some steps that led up to some sort of palace. He was only wearing trousers, his tribal tattoos on his chest were on display. I was mesmerised by everything.

"Scarlett? Scarlett!? No, let go of her!" I heard Jack shout. Dorian's arm wrapped around my shoulder, as he quickly pulled me away from Jack. We were going in opposite directions. There was a small part of me that wanted to go after him, but the more important thing was, I wanted to stay with Dorian.


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