Whose Side Are You On?

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Jack said that I should have more faith in him. Maybe I should try. Though that's very hard indeed. If you've met Jack then you'll know what I'm talking about.

     So we trudged onwards through Jack's 'shortcut'. We soon arrived to a cliff, overlooking the sea. No Black Pearl in sight. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Or they could be in front of us." Jack said.

"What?" I asked.

"Barbosa could be following us for all we know. Will may have the map but all they would have to do is follow the coastline of the rainforest and they could be at the treasure in no time."

"And you didn't think of this before!?"

"Yes, I did. But I knew that you would be like...this." Jack made a strange gesture with his hands.

"Stop it, stop...Jack stop it!" I said trying to stop him from doing the weird gesture. It creeped me out. And I now had to worry about Barbosa had getting to the treasure first.

      Finally, we emerged from the rainforest and walked upon a beach. I said a silent 'thank you' to myself. No more green. It would be easier to walk on the beach anyways. Following Jack, we carried on walking on the wet sand. Will looked nervous.

"Will? Are you ok?" I asked.

"I'm worried for Elizabeth." he admitted. I rolled my eyes.

"She'll be fine." I lied.

"What if they've done something to her?"

"What a shame." Jack said sarcastically.

"Excuse me?"

"Look, mate, Elizabeth isn't exactly our cup of tea. To put it politely,  she's a handful."

"What was the impolite term?" Will looked offended.

"You don't want to know, mate." Jack butted in.

"You two are cold hearted, you know that?"

"Why thank you," I made a little bow to Will,"I try my hardest."

             More caves were up ahead. This would determine whether Barbosa had gotten here first or not. I kept wishing that we had made it first. It wouldn't be pretty if we were the last ones to the treasure. Our pace had slowed down, wary of what was to come from around the corner.

          The water in the cave came up to my ankles. It was hard not to make a noise. Peeking around the corner, we saw mountains of gold coins, jewellery, crowns and much more. I gaped in awe at the beautiful sight. Something that wasn't so beautiful, was the crew members of Barbosa's ship. Jack pulled me back so that I wouldn't get spotted. He was about to pull Will back when...

"Elizabeth!" he shouted giving away our spot.

               Jack started to walk away but there were some of Barbosa's crew behind us. Jack smiled nervously and waved. This wasn't helping. The crew pushed us into the open. The rest of the crew were there including Elizabeth and Barbosa.

"I'm glad you could make it!" Barbosa chuckled. He walked towards us leaving Elizabeth tied up on the floor,"Thank you for making my journey easier."

"How did you get here first?! I had the map!" Will shouted, confused.

"I just followed the coastline along the rainforest you travelled in." Barbosa said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"I told you." Jack whispered. I glared at him. He looked away.

"How was your journey then? Miss Scarlett?" Barbosa asked me.

"I know you're just trying to bide time for yourself and your crew so you can get out of here. You're forgetting about your deal with Jack."

"And so I am."

"Yes so..." Jack indicated to the crew member to let go of him,"Thank you, when can I get on my ship?"

"Your ship?"

"Well, yes."

"Well done Jack." I sighed.

             We were on the Black Pearl, alright. But we were in the prison below deck. Not exactly the hospitality I was expecting now.

"What? At least we are here and not on an island in the middle of no where."

"This always happens."

"It's not my fault!"

"Yes it is, Jack."

"Ah, you have a point."

"Shall I tell you what else has a point? MY SWORD, JACK! AND I WILL USE IT BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY! Is that clear?"

"Yes, crystal." Jack rubbed his neck as he grimaced at the thought.

           Will and Elizabeth were shocked at my shouting at Jack. They were huddled in a corner together, clearly unaware of how serious the situation was.

"Surely, he'll let us go?" Elizabeth asked,"He has no use for us now, does he?"

"Not entirely true, Miss Elizabeth," Jack said,"He'll either keep or kill Scarlett and I, as we are a threat to him. He could use you as a hostage against your father and the royal navy. Master William here, could...actually I don't know what he'd want with you. Barbosa would probably put Will in his father's place. And we know how that turned out."

"I invoke the law of parley!" Elizabeth shouted.

"It won't work! We are prisoners! God, you are so stupid!" I shouted at her clutching my head. She still gave me a headache.

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