Where Will It Point?

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I could not believe the coincidence that was occurring. The man that I had trouble talking to was the captain of the new ship I was about to stay on. How could this even be possible? What were the odds against this?

"Sorry mate, you might have thought that you were the captain, but they told you wrong. It's my ship." Jack rambled. I sighed, covering my face with my hands. This was pure embarrassment.

"Sir, you are a part of my crew now. And your first order is to lay off of the rum." Dorian made his way down to us.

"Lay off the rum? What is-"Jack stopped, walking up to Dorian,"You are a bad captain!"

"Your body us intoxicated with alcohol."

"You smell funny!"

"Enough!" I shouted, getting in between them,"Jack, can I talk to you?" He seemed reluctant as I dragged him away."Jack, you have to accept that he's the captain."

"But why? And how do you know him? Was it a hitch and ditch? I didn't think you were the type to leave them the morning after?" Jack threw all of these questions at me.

"I literally met him an hour ago! It was before I had to save your sorry ass!"

"Now, what would your mother say about that language?"

I grabbed onto the collar of his coat, slamming him into the rail of the ship. I made him lean backwards so that his upper body was over the side,"I have put up with you for these last few weeks and I am sick of your attitude! You need to face facts now, Jack! We are leaving Tortuga, he is our captain not you!" I shouted. A few crew members pulled me back, helping Jack up. I was fuming, did they not see that? Jack looked petrified as I was pulled away.

"Let her go chaps." I heard Dorian command. They did as they were told, returning to their other tasks. Jack scarped over to Mr Gibbs, trying to look busy.

"I must say, you do have a big temper for a little woman." Dorian smirked.

"Really? You're going to insult me even after what I just did to Jack?" I snapped.

"You've got fire, I like fire." I couldn't help but blush at this statement. I walked away before he could see, hearing him chuckle behind me.

      Jack came round to the idea of someone else being captain. He couldn't help but shout orders that he wasn't suppose to day. Dorian found it amusing at first. After a while, it got pretty annoying. Dorian never lost his temper though, which I think was Jack's main point.


It was now the third day of sailing and everything was going well. We were all given daily chores though I had noticed mine weren't as rough. At first I was a little annoyed at this. Just because I was a woman, it didn't mean that I was weak. However, after seeing what some of the others had to go through, I decided that I liked my chores better.

     On one night, I was called to the top deck. I had no clue why which worried me. Had I done something wrong without knowing? As I walked up the steps, I felt the cool breeze hit me. No one else was there, just me. I walked out, the only sense of light was from a couple of torches and the moon. Was I early? Walking a bit more I could see there that was definitely no one up there.

"Miss Pearl," I heard Dorian. Looking behind me, my eyes trailed up to the wheel of the ship, with Dorian steering,"I'm glad you got my message."

"You asked for me?" I smiled as I climbed up the stairs.

"I'm going to get straight to the point. Jack is a bit of a problem."

"Are you only just noticing?" I leaned on the wheel.

He chuckled,"I thought that maybe you would help me."

"Well, I don't know..."

"I'm looking for something, but I don't know what."

"That makes no sense whatsoever."

"I know the place where we have to go, just not the route."

"What does that have to do with me?"

"I need you to get Jack's compass." He stepped closer to me, our bodies inches apart. I was trapped between him and the railing in front of the wheel.

"Let me guess, you need me to want whatever is in that place because you can't?"

"The people occupying that area...let's just say that we aren't on good terms."

"A-and why me?" I stuttered.

"I trust you."

       The next morning was when I had to ask or the compass. Jack was very attached to the compass meaning that it would be hard to convince him. Plus, he wouldn't want to help Dorian. It took all of the courage I could conjure up to ask him.

"Jack,"I said slowly. He turned around to face me."you know that you would do anything for me?"

"When did I agree to these terms?" he looked confused as he walked away from me. I ran in front of him, stopping him from going  anywhere.

"It doesn't matter. Look, I need to borrow your compass."

"What? No."


"That depends on what you want doing with this object that can do the doing for you."

"Uh...I'm going to try and process what you just said. Jack, Dorian needs to get somewhere and fast! He needs me to direct him there and I need to use your compass. The people on the island don't like him so they'll know he's coming...somehow. Anyway, we don't know what's there Jack. This could be the next adventure we're looking for!"

"Do you think he's up to something?"

"Definitely. And there's only one way to find out."


It turned out that the compass wasn't exactly helping. I knew I wanted to go to this mystery island, though it was hard to know where I wanted to go without knowing the name of the place. However, I didn't think it was even pointing me to a place.

      I sat on the stairs on the top deck tired from the compass spinning around. It stopped and pointed straight at me. Confused, I turned in that direction to see Dorian behind me. It didn't mean what I thought it meant, did it? I walked around him but it still pointed at him. Panic set in. The compass started to spin again, much to my relief. The relief soon disappeared when it pointed to Jack. My eyes widened and I saw that he noticed. Quickly closing the compass, I ran down the stairs and onto the other side of the ship. He didn't seem too fazed by it as he went on with his business.

       Opening the compass again, it had started to spin left to right rapidly, like it couldn't decide where to point. It was pointing between Jack and Dorian. What did it mean? Where would it land?

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