2 Women on deck, who makes it to the shore?

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I felt salty water splash my face and fill my mouth. Spluttering a little, I tried to sit up but I couldn't. As I looked up to see that Jack was laid on top of me. He was snoring loudly in my ear and I couldn't get him off me.

"Jack! Get off of me, I can't breathe!" I shouted wriggling underneath him. He grunted and squirmed. Finally he rolled off of me,"How the hell did the ropes come off?"

"Oh, that was me luv. I untied them hours ago." We both sat up now.

"What!? Jack-You know what, I'm not even going to bother."

"I see that you two are up. Come on." Angelica's Spanish accent rang through my ears as she stood in the doorway.

             We were dragged out into broad daylight. It took a while for my eyes to adjust. Black Beard had his crew working hard and he was behind the wheel.

"Jack and Scarlett, I understand that you led Barbosa to the treasure of Kray Island?" Black Beard didn't look at us.

"No, it was a whole misunderstanding." Jack corrected him.

"It doesn't matter what happened. You are going to take me to Kray Island."

"But father, the treasure is gone, Barbosa has it." Angelica stated.

"I know, that is why I left a note for them on his ship."

"How did you get the note on there in the first place?"

"When they exchanged Jack and Scarlett here, I slipped it into Barbosa's bodyguards pocket. I know he noticed because he started to glare at me."

"What did this note say, exactly?" Jack asked.

"I sent him my thanks for handing over the key and the map. In which case that is you two. He may have gotten most of the treasure but I know of something much more valuable to me. The Fountain of Youth." We were all stunned by what he had said. The Fountain of Youth? Surely he was joking.

We soon found out he wasn't.


"Jack, for the millionth time, no!" I groaned.

"But why?" he whined like a child.

"Do you really think that its going to make our lives easier with Black Beard having eternal life?"

"You know I wouldn't let that happen. If things went to plan though."

"You see? We don't even know if any of this would work. We are putting our lives at risk."

"It's not like they haven't been at risk before."

"That's not the point."

"Come on, where's your sense of adventure? It'll be like old times."

"The 'old times' is what nearly had us killed."

"It won't be as much fun without you luv."

"You have Angelica."

"Yeah, you see, that's my problem. Seeing as I left her at the altar and all."

"Fine but I can't promise I won't beat her up."

"Two woman on the seven seas, how many make it to the shore?"

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