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"HELP!" Will shouted.

          He was no where to be seen but we could still hear him. Just as we were looking for him, our faces were covered by bags and we were dragged away. I kicked about furiously trying to release myself from whatever was holding me.

         It had been a while since we were captured but now we had stopped. The bags were taken off our heads, the bright light blinding our eyes. Our hands and feet were tied up so there was no escape. For now...Looking around I saw that we were in a tribe's village. They were all natives. A man who looked like he was in charge started speaking gibberish. Then he waited for an answer. Jack and I exchanged confused glances.

"Who are you?" the chief said slowly, seeing that we didn't know their language.

"We don't want any trouble." I also said slowly.

"Silence! You have brought trouble to our sacred village!" he said a little quicker now.

"What!? I think you're the ones causing trouble here!" Will snapped. I saw him tied to a spit. There was no fire...yet.

"Will, shut up!" I hissed.

"Listen here savvy, we don't mean any trouble,"Jack stepped forward but stopped when spears were pointed at him in all directions,"but I don't think it was us that brought the disruption in your 'sacred' village."

"You are pirates, yes?" the chief asked.

"Yes, but-" Jack protested.

"Enough! It was you."

"But we aren't the pirates you seek for revenge." Everyone turned to look at me."You saw a ship, it was black and old, along with black sails. The captain goes by the name of Barbosa. That's the man who you are looking for."

"How do we know you're not the captain?"

"Woah, woah, woah! I think you'll find, if anyone was to be a captain here, it would be me!" Jack butted in. The chief ignored him.

"What to do with you then?" the chief pondered.

"Oh well, worth a try." I whispered to Jack.

          Jack didn't know what I meant. I headbutted the warrior who had dragged me to the village and he immediately fell. I kicked the spear up into my hands, cutting me free of the ropes. Three warriors charged towards me. My only idea was to push Jack into them. Jack collapsed onto them. I quickly untied Jack. There was no time to untie Will, so we picked him up on the spit and carried him. We dashed out of there hoping to find an exit.

"Jack, look out!" I cried. He tripped over a rock, causing us to drop Will and all of us to tumble down the hill. Then it went pitch black.

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