Catching Up

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Philip was being ever so nice to the mermaid. At one point of our trek, the was gasping for air in her tank until Philip cracked open the lid; we could have lost our vital ingredient of not for him. We carried on walking for ages, then stopped as we saw a dead end. There was a long drop off of the cliff into a waterfall below.

"We'll have to go around." Jack said, expecting everyone to follow him

Blackbeard's arm shot out, stopping him from walking any further."No! It will take too long. Someone needs to go across, we need those Chalice's!" He ordered, waiting for a response."Don't all volunteer at once."

"I shall go, father." Angelica offered.

"No, my child. You are all I have left in this world. Jack shall go."

Jack peered down the steep drop."What are the chances of surviving?"He then asked one of the crew members. This crew member got a doll out that looked like Jack, mumbled a few words and then threw it into the water. He must have known voodoo.

Voodoo wasn't always my favourite thing.

"ARGH!!!" Jack screamed, clamping a head over his mouth as he realised he wasn't actually falling.

"You will survive." The voodoo guy grumbled.

"This is taking too long!" Angelica almost jumped but Jack pushed her out of the way and jumped himself.

          We all watched, anxious to see if he had made it. We saw him fall into the water, a huge splash following. At long last we saw his head pop up.

"Why don't you join him, Scarlett!" Angelica grunted as she pushed me off of the cliff.

             I screamed all of the way down until I hit the water. After I resurfaced, I looked around to see if I could find Jack. I spotted him swimming to the shore and I followed.

             After telling Jack what happened, he laughed. The cheek of him! He had seen a few minutes into the future, he knew he would survive. I could have easily hit some rocks on the way down or even drowned. But no, it was all a big joke to him, like most serious things.

             We wondered onwards, hoping to find the Chalice's on Ponce de Leon's ship, the Santiago. Eventually, we found it. It was perched on the edge of a cliff. Not the most stable place. We climbed up the rocky mountain, helping each other along the way and made it inside the ship.

"Hello, Barbosa." I said as we stepped into (what once was) the captain's chambers. I knew he was there.

"Oh, Scarlett, you still have your impeccable senses."

             He walked over to us, only to make the ship move backwards. He stumbled back to where he was before, steadying the ship. Jack started to take treasures, forgetting why we were really here but also made the ship unsteady.

       What I had also noticed was that Barbosa was wearing a Navy suit. As in, The British Navy. Why the hell was he wearing that? Had he teamed up with them?

"No! Ye blasted fool! This ship is on the verge of tipping! Don't take anything."Barbosa shouted.

             Jack put the treasures back and as the ship steadied, a box slid out from under the bed. That was the box that held the Chalice's. I jumped to grab them but Barbosa pushed me out of the way, making me land on the bed. It was dusty and covered with cobwebs. I screamed when I saw the skeleton lying there.

     Jack and Barbosa were  fighting over the box. The ship kept on tipping left and right. We were all shouting at each other though we didn't know what the other was saying. At last, I grabbed the box and opened it.

No Chalice's.

            Jack and Barbosa were sitting either side of the skeleton. I showed them the empty box.

"Damn, Spanish!" Barbosa cursed.

              Jack looked at the map in which the skeleton was holding. As he tried to take it out of the hands, the skeleton's head eerily turned towards him.

'Put it back.' Barbosa mouthed to him, as if the decomposed skeleton could hear us. Jack let go and the skeleton's head turned to face forward.

What the hell.

"Those damn Spanish have got the Chalice's. And I know exactly where they are." Barbosa said, pointing to an are on the map, where we were next headed.

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