All Aboard

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Barbosa panicked. He didn't know what to do. The Black Pearl may have been the fastest ship in the Caribbean but we would be disintegrated in seconds by the Queen Anne's Revenge.

        Men were scrambling around the deck, preparing the canons and getting ready for a fight. I looked back to the Queen Anne's Revenge. And then I saw her, Angelica Teach. Jack had left her at the altar on their wedding day. This was after Jack had met me. And after...I'll call it 'our affair'. She spotted me too. We were both glaring at each other.

"Father, they have Jack! And his little tag along too!" Her Spanish accent called out. I hated her so much, it was unreal.

"Friends of yours I presume?" Barbosa stood in front of Jack.

"Not exactly." He replied.

"Well, I hope your reunion with them is satisfying."

"I don't exactly understand."

"Nothing is exact with you, Sparrow."

            I watched as the Black Pearl sailed away. They were gone within a couple of minutes. Jack and I were tied together, back to back, on the Queen Anne's Revenge. Angelica circled us, inspecting every inch of us. I kept on glaring at her.

      I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I assumed it was Blackbeard. And I assumed that Angelica was pretending to be his daughter. Somehow, he fell for it.

"Ah, Jack Sparrow. I never thought I'd see the day." Blackbeard's gruff voice spoke.

"There has been...Scarlett would you please cooperate?" Jack began walking forwards meaning I had to walk backwards,"There has been a terrible mistake. You see my ship-"

"Enough! Angelica, are you sure this is wise?"

"Of course, father. And besides, if he does not cooperate,"Angelica walked behind Lack to face me. She held a penknife to my throat,"We can just threaten to kill her."

"And who is this?" Blackbeard stood beside Angelica,"Ah, Miss Scarlett Pearl. It's good to meet you in the flesh."

"I wish I could say the same." I replied.

"Oh, don't be like that. We might become friends." I rolled my eyes at his sarcasm,"Take them below."

          We were below deck again but this time we were still tied together which was then tied to a small crate. It was difficult for Jack and I to sit on. The ship was rocking a lot meaning that we were sliding everywhere.

"Anymore enemies I should know about?" I said as we slid to the left, colliding into a wall.

"We'd be here all night."Jack replied.

"Well it doesn't look like we are going anywhere else does it?"

"I don't know why you are mad at me." we slid back to the right, but this time we tobbled over onto our sides.

"Because if you weren't so stupid then we could still be on the Black Pearl."

"Would you just shut it!? Now, let's try and sit upright again."

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