An Injured Man

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The men had gone to fetch Dorian after my rampage. It was taking them longer than expected but it was Dorian they were dealing with after all. I leant against the railing of the ship, looking out across the sea. There was no land around us, just vast amounts of blue. I didn't mind the colour blue really. It was better than green.

       There was a lot of shuffling and shouting as Dorian was forced up to the top deck. Slowly turning around, I watched as they tied him up to the post. There was a lot of rope tied around him, which would hopefully keep him there. Everyone was quiet as Jack approached Dorian.

"You see mate, bad men never win." Jack said, smirking. I was still angry with him and didn't plan on forgiving him anytime soon.

"That makes two of us." Dorian said, scowling at me.

          I slowly walked over as Jack babbled on about how he wasn't a bad man at all, when really he knew he was.

"Just shut up Jack." I sighed.

           He stepped away, joining the rest of the crew to watch. I focused on Dorian.

"Believe me, you will be mine. And you'll want me."

"You disgust me. I will never be yours." I spat.

            He beared and snapped his teeth at me, and I was pulled back by someone. It was Jack who then stepped in front of me.

"Don't ever do that again. Ever." Jack hissed so quietly, I could only just near him.

"You don't tell me what to do. She is mine!"

          Suddenly there was a loud cry of pain from Jack who then doubled over. I instantly ran to him, trying to turn him onto his back. Once I had, I saw red.

Dorian had stabbed Jack.

"You monster!" I screamed as two crewmen struggled to get the knife off of him. I pulled Jack onto my lap cradling him in my arms.

"It's only a small wound luv, I'll be fine." Jack said breathlessly. I cried as his smile faded."We just need t-t-to apply p-pressure onto the would and...and..." Jack was starting to close his eyes, fading in and out of reality. The crew slowly removed their hats.

"No! No, don't you dare remove your hats! PUT THEM BACK ON!" I shouted."Jack don't you close your eyes, please, please, please."

He betrayed me. He had closed his eyes.


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