Trust Issues

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CRASH! I fell off the hammock and onto the floor. THUD!

"Ow." I moaned as I was picked up by Jack.

"What's happening?!" I said.

"Barbosa." Jack grabbed my hand and dragged me upstairs onto the deck.

          All the men on deck were scrabbling about. I could see The Black Pearl was approaching us. Barbosa would attack us no doubt about it.

"Mr. Sparrow, Miss. Pearl, follow me." Norrington said.

            As we followed him, I wondered how on earth we were going to help. However, I didn't find out as we were knocked out cold.

         When I woke I was aboard The Black Pearl with Barbosa looking down at me. I looked around. Jack was also awake. We were both picked up. But for some reason we weren't tied up.

"Its good to see you two again." Barbosa said.

"What do you want, Barbosa?" I snapped.

"Mr. Turner here,"He pushed Will into Jack,"has no idea how to get to this treasure. So you two will be helping him."

"No we won't." I stood my ground.

"Actually, on the contrary,"Jack interrupted,"what do you say about a little negotiation?"

"Depends." Barbosa thought.

"How about a percentage of The Black Pearl? Fifty."

"What?! No."

"How about you give the orders and I just, stand here and look pretty?"

He hesitated."Alright, but only after you've found the treasure."

"Jack, what are you doing?" I hissed at him.

"Don't worry, I've got a plan."

          He was suddenly lifted into the air by a huge crew member as was I. I squealed a little as the crew cheered as we were made to walk the plank.


        Will was up first. He stood tall and proud then dived off. I was next.

"How do you intend us to get the treasure back here. The treasure is another days sailing from here!" I shouted.

"We can't risk having you both on board. What with all that happened in the past." Barbosa sneered.

"See you there Jack." I said as I too, dived off.

          I started to swim towards the caverns in the island. Will was nearly there. Jack had just jumped of the plank and was swimming towards me. We swam at the same speed next to each other.

"How can this kid have a map, then not know where to go?" I hissed.

"Have you seen him?" Jack replied.

        We were now mostly dry after our long walk in the never ending caverns. It was a boring and confusing walk which meant a lot of moaning from Will.

"Let's rest for the night. Please!" Will complained.

"Listen mate, unless you want to be swash buckled by a gang of pirates that are probably following us as we speak, then let's move it."

         That really freaked out Will. He stayed right by our side. Soon enough we were out of the caverns. It was now a forest which was no better. Will ventured on into the unknown.

"Jack..." I said.

"Yes?" he replied looking around him.

"What did you mean before by 'our ship'?" I asked. He stopped walking and started blushing.

"I don't recall saying that." Jack began walking again and fiddling with the plants. I would say no more. I just smirked.

"Why are you smirking like that?"Jack asked worried.

           I shook my head, refusing to tell him. Before he could protest, Will screamed in the distance. We both looked to each other and ran.

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