The Spanish

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"I told you but would you two listen? No!" I snapped at Jack and Barbosa.

            We were all tied up to a palm tree each, after Jack had stolen the Chalices from a Spanish officer, it was all part of their plan; if they had just listened to me, we would have been out of here by now. However, little did the Spanish know, we still had the Chalices. But we were trapped in their camp with no way out.

"Quit your whining, las! Ye be so sour for no reason." Barbosa spat.

"We are tied to palm trees in a Spanish camp. It's not exactly the luxury trip I was dreaming of." I replied. It was silent for a while, until Barbosa pulled off his prosthetic leg.

"What are you doing?" I asked, a little disturbed by the sight.

"It's rum dear. Care for some?" He asked after he took a swig.

"Why not?" He passed over his leg the best he could and I tried to take a swig.

"I want one." Jack said as he saw the magnificent invention.

            After a long chug, I passed it to Jack. I felt a little disturbed that I had just drunk out of someone's prosthetic leg but I had gotten rum out of it, so it wasn't all bad.

"What do you have against Blackbeard anyway?" Jack asked passing back Barbosa's leg.

"He attacked the ship, The Black Pearl, and that is when I had to cut off me leg. I did it to survive." He said putting his leg back on.

"So now what?" I asked.

"We improvise." Jack said looking up.

            He started to use the rope wrapped around him as leverage and shuffled up the tree. I did the same, untying myself at the top of the palm tree. I looked down to see Barbosa watching us. Jack tied the rope around a coconut and lassoed it around a tree. I did the same and managed to get it lassoed onto the same tree. We pulled back as hard as we could. I heard commotion going on below us, it was the Spanish.

"On three, one, two...THREE!" Jack shouted.

            We both let go and were catapulted through the air. Both of us were screaming at the top of our lungs, not knowing if we would survive. Suddenly, we were swinging from palm tree to palm tree. Finally landing on the ground, we began to run. Spaniards were chasing after us. With the ropes still in our hands, we circled the Spaniards, confusing them. We ran around them, tying them to a tree. They were all confused as we saluted and ran away.

"So, where to now?" I asked as we kept running.

"Haven't really thought about that part yet..." Jack replied.

"Why am I not surprised?"

"Who was the one who got us our of there? Oh, me!"

"Oh shut up, Jack! Let's just get out of here."

"You know, ever since we got on Blackbeard's ship, you've been very sour."

"I'm always like this."

"You weren't in the past."

"People change, Jack. Don't think you are any different."

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