Love Triangle

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Dorian said we would soon be arriving at our destination. I was excited though scared at the same time. The excitement was for the new land we would be exploring though I knew Doria wouldn't let me out if his sight which scared me. Climbing onto the top deck, my eyes scanned the men, looking for Jack. Once I found him, I dragged him under the stairs yet again.

"Jack, we're almost at the destination! Maybe this will be the answer as to why Dorian is keeping me." I exclaimed. Jack didn't look too bothered by it."Jack?"

"Hm? Oh, sorry. I thought you had forgotten all about the plan to get you away from Dorian. But it seems you've got the wrong idea." Jack sneered.

"What are you talking about?"

"I know what happened last night Scarlett. You and the captain all snuggled up together? Please, you enjoyed it."

"How dare you think I enjoyed it!" I half lied to him."I was doing it to see if I could escape but he took me to his cabin instead. And anyway, how do you know?"

"All walls have a hole in it somewhere luv."

"And you were spying in me, why?"

"The same reason I always spy on you, to make sure that you're ok."

"Thanks, I think."

       Now that I knew this journey was coming to an end, I was starting to get fidgety. I just wanted to understand everything, to know why Dorian wanted me so badly. Would he have taken on any girl back in Tortuga if I wasn't there? Would we have found each other in the end? Questions such as these would not leave my mind, giving me quite a headache.

"Gentlemen!" Dorian shouted. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked up at their captain."I have splendid news! We will be ending our journey in an hours time!" Everyone cheered, happy to get off and away from this ship."Start getting everything ready for port!"

      Dorian seemed so happy that I found myself smiling too. Glancing over at Jack, he was already looking at me. My smile disappeared and I tried to make my way over to him but he just walked away. Sighing, my head hung low. We both knew that I was messing up the plan.

"Miss Pearl, are ye alright?" A hand was set upon my shoulder by Mr Gibbs. Turning to face him, I bit my lip to stop it from shaking. Slowly nodding, he patted me gently on the back and walked away. Nothing was alright anymore.



The hour passed by slowly. Dorian instructed me to pack his things so that I was doing something useful. Sighing, I dragged myself below deck and towards his room. He didn't come with me, so I could have gone and hidden somewhere. But I didn't, there was no point now, he had me trapped.

       Grabbing some clothes from his drawers, I looked outside. The weather had changed dramatically. Rain and wind was everywhere, the sky had darkened, and we were tipping about quite a bit because of the waves.

      As I folded up clothes, I thought about Jack. He seemed so disappointed with me and I felt guilty. He had done everything he could to try and save me and I was throwing that away by snuggling up to the captain (literally and metaphorically). Suddenly, there were shouts from the top deck. Chucking the clothes all of over the floor, I sprinted upstairs. Or at least, I tried to. The boat was tipping about too much for me to keep my balance.

"Jack!" I screamed over everyone else's shouting. Because I couldn't see him from down here, I ran up to the wheel, in search for him. Doria was standing there, grinning like a maniac.

"Scarlett, look! Your new home awaits you!" Dorian shouted to me. Jack was beside him, trying to hold on. I rushed over to Jack, holding onto him for support. His arm wrapped around my waist almost immediatly.

      Looking out towards the sea, I saw a huge whirlpool that we were headed towards! Dorian wanted us to go through that?! We would all die!

"Jack! I'm sorry for everything that I did to upset you! I swear I didn't mean it!" I shouted in his ear.

"Scarlett, it has been a pleasure saving your sorry ass these past couple of years!" He said, before we tipped over the edge of the giant whirlpool. I felt my grip on Jack loosen and I fell out of his grip.


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