Behind Closed Doors

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It seemed like no time had passed since Dorian locked me in the room. I tried screaming, pounding on the door as hard as I could. My sobbing muffled my shouts, though it wouldn't have made any difference, no one would have heard me. Never had I cried so hard before. My hands were shaking from fear, something that had never occurred.

        I must have fallen asleep because I woke up on the bed and daylight was  seeping through the windows. I rubbed my eyes, feeling my tear stained cheeks. Sighing, I sat up and tried to act brave. Although I was scared, I had to go out there, make myself known.

       The trouble was, I couldn't get out. Dorian still had me locked up. I kicked the door hard, moving it slightly. If I hit it with something stronger, it may just open. I started to frantically search the room in dire need of something, anything that would help me. As I was about to give up, I heard footsteps coming down the hall. I rushed to the bed, trying to make it look like I was asleep.

        Of course it was Dorian. The sound of his footsteps got closer to the bed. I tried not to flinch when he started to stroke my hair.

"Oh my darling, whatever did I do to deserve you?" he said to himself. The bed dipped as he sat down next to me. I remained calm, knowing that if I was to lose it now, he would do something terrible.

"That does not matter." He continued,"I was lucky to have stumbled upon such beauty and passion along with the fire that courses through your veins. Yes, you shall be mine."

        I pretended to stir in my sleep, opening my eyes slowly. He sat there watching me as I stretched. This was the time when my acting skills would come in use.

"Dorian? What are you doing here?" I asked. I had to still seem upset about last night (which I was) but what I really wanted to do was run out of there and lock him in.

"You're breakfast is ready."


"Yes, come." Dorian's hands somehow found mine and he lifted me out of the bed. I wanted to wriggle out of his hold, feeling disgusted just by his touch. Though much to my disappointment I had to be strong.

        Why had the compass pointed at him? It had pointed at Jack as well however that was not up for discussion. How could I have been so naive? Dorian was just playing games with me. Even if I had not been boarding upon his ship he would have captured me somehow. One minute he was a terrifying demon the next he acted like I was some sort of god. But there was always this talk of me becoming an item of his. He was always saying I would be his but what did he mean by that?

         The breakfast was in his cabin. It was a full English breakfast, something that every pirate would envy. Though sadly, there was no rum to go with this early meal. We dug through our food in silence. I could feel his eyes on me the whole time as I was freaking out.

"I understand that you're upset about last night." He stated. I said nothing and carried on with my food,"It was for your own good, darling." The scraping of his chair on the floor caught my attention. I set down the cutlery as he neared me. Not this again, please.

"My dear darling, you must cooperate. It would make things much easier." His mouth was millimetres away from my ear as he whispered. Dorian scraped back a piece of my hair, causing me to flinch from his touch.

"Dorian, please don't-"

"Shh. It's alright. Soon, this trip will all be over and I'll have you all to myself."

"W-What? No, you can't-" Suddenly, he turned my chair do that I was looking at him. His arms were fixed on each of the arm of the chair and it didn't look like he was going to move. I was trapped.

"You do not tell me what I can and can't do!" Dorian raised his voice, his face inches from mine,"You, Scarlett, are just a woman. I am your master and you will do as I say, got it? Don't ever tell me what to do, that is my job!" I couldn't help but cry in front of him. I had reached breaking point. This wasn't fair!

"I'm sorry for making you cry, darling." His strong arms forced me out of the chair and into his embrace. I gave up and just stood there,"But it had to be done."


"Scarlett!" I heard Jack shout. I whipped around, trying to spot Dorian. He was still below deck so he wouldn't see me talking to Jack. I was granted access to the top deck for a while. Dorian's warnings ran through my head. I wouldn't let him hurt Jack, or anyone else on this ship. This could be the last time I spoke to Jack.

"Jack, I can't speak with you." I looked around before dragging him underneath the stairs,"Dorian has threatened that if you or the crew were to come anywhere near me, he'd punish you. Severely."

"Just how close are we talking?"

"Within an inch."

"Oh, so if he spotted me now he'd..." I just nodded.

"Dorian keeps going on about how I will be his and he is nice to me for a bit then horrible the next! Jack, he locked me up in a cabin last night."

"So that's why you weren't in bed. We'd all thought you two"

"Had what?"

"Well, you know."

It took me a minute to realise,"Oh, Jack!" I hit his arm.

"It wasn't just me, I said 'we' meaning the whole crew."

"I'm going to ignore that just because. Just be serious for one second, ok?"

He nodded, allowing me to go on.

"I wanted to thank you for everything. All the great times we had together, all the adventures. It's been amazing. And I know that they're have been some bad, life threatening times...But they were worth it." I flung my arms around him, which surprised him. But to my surprise, he hugged me back.

"Alright, don't start crying."

"Um, I snuck you this." I produced a bottle of rum, save over from the breakfast. His face lit up like a child at Christmas.

"The rum isn't gone! That's it. We are definitely getting you off of this ship and away from that funny smelling man!"

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