What Now?

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No one dared to move. It was beautiful in it's own way, I supposed. Everyone was staring even though it did nothing. For once in our lives, everything and everyone was at peace. No fights, no noise, no deaths. It seemed that this quietness was quite soothing but I would never regain this exotic moment again. I was a pirate and pirates don't have peaceful lives.

"Well, isn't this charming?" A voice echoed. The crew all turned to face who was talking."It seems everyone is at a loss for words! Blackbeard, for the crimes you have committed including the loss of my leg you are sentenced to death."

"Barbosa!" Blackbeard growled.

Barbosa glared at Blackbeard as he made his way towards us all. Behind him, the English Navy marched. Their footsteps carried an echo around the whole cave.

"It seems that we are in a bit of a muddle, eh savvy?" Barbosa laughed, taking out his sword. The two captains started to duel along with the two crews fighting each other.

"What are we supposed to do!?" I shouted to Jack over the noise. Jack emerged between the two crew's fighting, waving his arms about like an idiot. Everyone stopped to look at him.

"Whoah, woah, hang on a minute! I just...I just need to understand something. Right so, you will fight against them, they will fight against you all on account of him wanting to kill him? Where is the sense? Exactly. I say let them fight each other. Whilst we lay back, watch, have a drink, place some wagers, eh?" Jack smiled. I frowned and he stopped smiling. No one listened to him as the fighting continued.

I was suddenly being attacked though I was not a part of any crew! Two men attacked me at once catching me off guard. Once I had slaughtered the two men, another came at me. I dodged him but he kept going. I saw him run on laughing as he stabbed Philip in the stomach. He crouched over groaning. Screaming, I stabbed the man in the back with my sword. I pushed his body aside as he collapsed.

"Philip, Philip! Are you alright?" What a stupid question to ask.

"Syrena! I must see her!" He pleaded. I untied his bounds around his wrist and acted as a shield as he ran out of there.

Climbing up a wall to get away from the fight I saw Jack, Scrum and Angelica fighting. They were fighting over the mermaids tear. I made my way back down the cave wall and towards the three. I had to fight along the way which made it harder for me to get there quickly.

"Hand it over. The tear. There's a good lad." Jack said, pointing a sword at Scrum and Angelica.

"I'm more of afraid of her than you mate." Scrum said. Jack threw the swords up in the air grabbing the mermaids tear from Scrum's hand. Angelica and Scrum were now pointing the swords at Jack.

"Hand it over, there's a good lad." Scrum mocked. I tapped Angelica on the shoulder and as she turned around I punched her in the face. Jack laughed.

"I've been wanting to do that for a long time." I smiled. Angelica swung her sword at me, scraping my thigh. I hissed before fighting her. I sliced her arm but after that neither of us could hurt each other. We were two great fighters.

"You are wasting my time!" Angelica shouted. She ran back to Scrum and Jack who had been arguing the whole time. Again I tried to watch them as I fought the others.

Anglica ordered Scrum to toss the Chalices to her and he did so. Jack threw the bottle which contained the tear high up into the air. Angelica and Scrum both let go of their words which Jack caught. Another toss around and Jack had the tear and Scrum had the Chalices. Scrum ran to the fountain followed by Angelica and Jack, along with my limping self.

The crews below stopped fighting, turning to look at the fog. Emerging from the fog was the Spanish army. Groans could be heard from some. An English soldier holding the British flag, stood up.

"In the name of King George, this land is now-Urgh!" He was shot by the leader of the Spaniard's.

He made his way to Jack, who was now holding the Chalice after taking them out of Scrums hands. The Spaniard reached put for them, but Jack threw them at Angelica. The Spaniard forcefully took the Chalices out of her hands.

"Only God can grant eternal life. Not this pagen water." He stated holding he Chalices up."Men! Destroy this profane shrine!" Dropping the Chalices, he stomped on them and threw them into a deep pool.

The Spanish army started to destroy the Fountain. Columns fells and walls collapsed. Blackbeard shouted at the Spaniard's leader. They argued about faith and blindness when Blackbeard glanced at his wrist. He turned only to get stabbed by Barbosa. Angelica screamed and ran over as Barbosa and the Spaniard walked away.

"No, Angelica don't!" Jack shouted as she pulled out the sword from Blackbeard's body. Her hand was cut and she collapsed to the floor.

"What's happened?" I shouted to Jack as he ran to the deep pool. I helped him look for the Chalices.

"Barbosa's sword was poisoned!" I looked behind me to see that a large column was being pulled down. I nudged Jack."What!?" He snapped. He looked and saw the column falling, destroying the fountain. After that, the Spanish left leaving Jack, Angelica, Blackbeard and I.

We went back to searching the water. I saw something deep in the pool but couldn't make out what is was. Syrena surfaced a few moments after, holding the Chalices.

"Do not waste my tear." She said. Jack nodded and ran towards the destroyed fountain. I thanked her before she swam away. I limped towards Blackbeard and Angelica, who were writhing in pain. Jack could only fill the cups with a few drops before the fountain completely dried up. He added the mermaids tear before coming over to us.

"I can only save one of you." He said.

"Father, you must drink it!" Angelica protested.

"Your daughter has many years ahead, don't you think she has a chance?" Blackbeard took the Chalice and drank. Angelica looked shocked at her father as she drank out of the other Chalice. But as she drank she saw her hand healing. Jack had tricked them both.

"Trickster! Devil!" Blackbeard shouted at Jack.

"Father! You bastard! How could you!" Angelica screamed.

"Your father saved you. Now perhaps his would is redeemed eh?"Jack said.

The fountains waters made it's way towards Blackbeard, surrounding him like a tornado. He creamed in agony as his skin and flesh rotted away. His skeletal arm reached out to a terrified Angelica. The tornado stopped and no one was there. Blackbeard was dead.

(A/N: This is not the end! I will be writing much more for this.)

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