Pirates Code

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I raced back to the village, the music and chanting becoming clearer as I neared it. I realised I was still holding the sword, so I handed it to a person passing by. They looked confused as I walked away but carried on with he celebration. Dorian was sitting on his throne, eyeing his people. He didn't notice I was there until I cleared my throat. Dorian took my hand in his, guiding me towards the throne next to his. My throne.

       The banging of the drums silenced everyone. A huge bonfire was before us, food and drink was laid out on the large banquet tables and the people were all gathered there. I felt nervous with all of their eyes on me. Once the drums stopped, Dorian spoke.

"My people, today we celebrate in honour of someone very special to me and who should be considered special to you all too." The crowds cheered,"Our queen, Scarlett Seas has returned! Let us feast and dance in her presence and make her feel welcome once again! Let the celebration begin!" He shouted. The crowds cheered once again before starting their celebration.

Had he just said Scarlett Seas?

"Dorian, you just said Scarlett Seas. My last name is Pearl." I stressed. His last name was Seas, not mine, not ever.

"My darling," He took my hands in his,"you are my queen, which means we are married." I snatched my hands away from him, only to reveal a ring on my left hand. No, this wasn't happening.

"I may kiss the bride." He said in a low voice. Dorian kissed me, his hands around my waist. For a moment I kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck. Somehow, this was right. But then I realised that I was supposed to be on the ship. And I needed to get there fast.

"Dorian, tell me one thing." I said breathless.

"Anything." He breathed.

"How are you king?"

"I showed them how to live better lives and they put me in charge. I made myself king. But I needed a queen. Someone who could rule the people and to carry on the line of Seas. That's when I heard about you. You were strong, brave and clever. A perfect woman all together. You were born to be a queen."

       I looked at him, speechless. There was no way that I was meant to be a queen. It was a pirates life for me. I was only concerned about my own welfare. Apart from Jack's life of course, I could sometimes care for him. Was this what the spinning arrow was on about? Was I supposed to choose between two completely different lives?

"Scarlett, what's wrong?" I focused back to the present, knowing what decision I had made.

"I'm sorry." I whispered as I kneed him hard in the stomach. He groaned, falling to the ground and letting me start my running.

       It was hard enough running in a dress let alone the dark. I tried to calculate my way out but it was harder than it seemed. In the end, I resulted in shouting. I shouted Jack's name over and over, hoping someone from the crew would hear. The only problem was, Dorian and his men could find me too. Whilst I was in deep thought, someone grabbed me from behind. I screamed, thrashing about. Despite my tries of escaping, I was being carried in the way I had just came. This was it, I was destined to be trapped in Dorian's grasp.

        Just as I was about to give up, a loud gunshot could be heard. Screaming, I thought we were under attack. I was dropped on the ground, the tribal man falling too. He had been shot by someone.

"Where's my bloody rum then?" I heard Jack's voice behind me. I turned to see Jack holding a pistol looking angry. Leaping onto my feet, I jumped onto him, crying for no reason.

"I was joking, you can get me rum another time. Don't get so upset." He groaned but hugged me all the same.

"I thought I told you to wait for me on the ship?" I laughed, wiping away the tears.

"What? And leave a damsel in distress to do all the fighting? I don't think so." He grabbed my hand and led the way to the ship. We could no longer hear Dorian's men so we sped up a bit, not caring how much noise we were making.

       In the distance, I heard the sound of waves crashing and the smell of salt. I was laughing and smiling all the way there and when I saw that the ship was ready, it just made my day.

"Welcome back, Miss Pearl!" I heard Mr Gibbs say as I climbed onto the top deck.

"Thank you." I said breathlessly. The crew wolf whistled as I stood up,"Take a good look lads, this is probably the last time you'll see me in a dress for a while."

"Everyone get to their stations, we need to leave immediately." Jack ordered. I followed him up the steps to the steering wheel.

"Jack, I know we need to get out of here but..." I held onto his shoulders so he was facing me and placed my lips on his. He did kiss back but I made it short by pulling back,"Thanks you, for saving me."

He seemed shocked for a bit but recovered soon enough,"Perhaps I should save you more often, Miss Pearl."

"In your dreams Captain Sparrow." I laughed as I helped the other men.

       I was helping tie up the canons when I heard a loud bang against the ship. I looked overboard but there was nothing. When I asked about it, Mr Gibbs suggested that we had hit some rocks. It seemed a little odd but I didn't want to dwell too much on it. I just wanted to get out of there.

       After twenty or so minutes, we were way out at sea. Away from the tribe, away from Dorian, away from the sticky and green rainforest. Things were looking up for us all. No more danger until our next adventure whatever that would be. I headed down to what was Dorian's cabin, hoping to find some spare clothes. Rummaging through the wardrobe, I heard a loud thud against the floor. Spinning around, I grabbed the dagger near me.

"Where are you off to then my darling?"

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