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The sirens were closing in. Will and I were the only ones left with common sense. Well, Jack didn't really have any common sense in the first place. We drew our swords towards the sirens.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait!" Jack slurred,"Don't fight. Let's go back to eating and drinking and stuff."

"Jack, shut up!" I hissed.

"The pirate is right. You should leave." One of the sirens pointed to me.

"Oh, I don't think so." I slashed my sword towards her hand, chopping it clean off. Her scream was so high pitched that I thought my ears were going to fall off. The other sirens started to attack.

            Will was fine by himself, the sirens couldn't get him under their spell. Probably because he loved Elisabeth so much. The only problem was Jack. They had him half under their spell but he was also drunk. As usual.

             Just as it was becoming hard to fight the sirens off, we heard some tribal chanting. Oh god, not these guys too. The tribe who tried to roast Will were charging towards us. I dragged Will and Jack away causing the tribe and the Sirens to start fighting. This meant we could get away finally. No one saw us leave which was even better.

"What? No more partying?" Jack asked.

                We trekked towards another set of caverns. It was a very long walk and had been a long day. Will was now determined to go on, but we knew we couldn't.

"But if we keep going, then we'll get there sooner." Will tried to persuade us.

"Look, I know you're trying to impress Elisabeth, but we'd never make it out of here anyway. We need to rest." I said lying down.


"No buts Mr. Turner. Do as the lady says, or you'll be in trouble. And you don't want to see that." Jack warned him. I smiled too myself as I closed my eyes. Soon, I was in a deep sleep, exhausted from saving these two idiots.

"Scarlett, Scarlett!" I was shaken awake. It was Will.

"What is it Will?" I moaned running my eyes.

"Come on, we have to get going."

"What? What about Jack?" I sat upright.

"We need to keep going. Jack will just slow us down."

"Will, it's pitch black out there, you'll probably get killed and you need Jack to read that map of yours."

"Fine I'll go without you."

"Will, stay. You don't know what you're getting yourself into."

"What's going on?" Jack groaned.

"Nothing. Will just woke up." I ended the argument there. Will was just as bad as Elisabeth.

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