Old Friends, New Enemies

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Thanks to Elizabeth, we had caught the attention of a British Navy ship and were now being held there. And Commandor Norrington was looking very pleased. I knew him, he didn't know me. Hopefully he wouldn't harm me. But what about Jack?!

         Norrington smugly sauntered towards us, looking pleased with his catch, as if we were fish. He looked Jack up and down in disgust, though his eyes furrowed in confusion as he saw me.

"Who is this?" Norrington asked.

"She's no one mate." Jack defended.

"Mr. Sparrow, I was not talking to you and I am definitely not your 'mate'."

"I don't think you really need to know who I am." I snapped. Norrington glared at me.

"Please miss, answer me. We don't have all day."

"Her name is Scarlett Pearl." Elizabeth said. I glared at her.

God I wanted to throw her overboard.

"Ah, I've heard about you," Oh, he did know of me,"you and Jack did lots of crimes together."

         He looked at me like I was dirt. I wanted to throw him overboard as well. He grabbed my hand and yanked my sleeve up. It revealed the P branded on my arm and my tattoo of a pearl in embedded in rose. Norrington sneered. I snatched my hand away from him.

"Set the sails. We're going home." Norrington pronounced.

"Wait! Will, is in trouble we must help him!" She grabbed his sleeve, looking up at him for her horribly perfect doe eyes."Please Norrington, for me, as a wedding gift." Everyone gasped.

        Jack got all excited. He always did if booze was involved.

"Mr. Sparrow and Miss. Pearl, I'm sure you know where that ship is heading."

"Aye mate." Jack replied.

"I hate to say it, but we shall require your help."

"What's the magic word?" I smirked.

"Miss Pearl, do not test me."

"Sorry, I didn't quite catch that."

He groaned, knowing that he wasn't going to get our help without saying it."Please."

"Of course, no need to ask twice." I smiled sweetly.

         It was getting late again and we had set sail, hopefully following the Black Pearl. Jack was at the wheel with his compass. I wasn't sure whether he was actually following the Black Pearl or going after some sort of treasure which he so desperately wanted. You could never tell with Jack. Sometimes he was honest, other times he was lying. That made it hard to believe him.

"Jack,"I whispered,"What are we actually after?"

"What do you mean luv?" he acted innocent.

"I mean, are we after the ship or the treasure?"

"They want to rescue Will, right? So he'll probably be after the treasure. And plus I don't want them ruining our ship."

"Our ship?" Jack hesitated and looked around. I smiled as I walked off. Our ship, eh?

You Mean 'Captain' Jack SparrowWhere stories live. Discover now