Not The End

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(Wow! 7K reads! This is not the end of the book. I am going to keep writing even though the next film isn't out yet. It will carry on from this but I'll make things up. I hope it will fill the gap between now and the release of the next film. But until then, I shall just keep using my imagination to entertain all of you lovely readers.)

I watched with Mr Gibbs as Jack rowed a boat towards a deserted island. He had Angelica tied up in the boat (with much help from me). Mr Gibbs and I laid back in the and taking in the calmness around us. The sun was shining as usual, the sky was clear and all was quiet for once.

"Miss Scarlett, do ye regret not drinking from the fountain of youth?" Mr Gibbs suddenly asked.

I thought for a moment before answering,"Yes and no, Mr Gibbs. To live forever would be a great adventure and an advantage when fighting. But, on the other hand, I don't want to live forever."

"And why's that?"

"I'm living a pirates life and as everyone knows, it is a dangerous life choice. Do you really think I want to live my whole life as a fugitive?"

"This is all very well and heartwarming but do you think we could start to get a move on?" Jack called. We sat up and saw him make his way towards us."Mr Gibbs, you have the Black Pearl, I presume?"

"Aye, it be right here." He pulled out a bottle, with a tiny Black Pearl inside of it.

"And how exactly are we supposed to get it out?" I asked.

"We'll need a goat, Mr Gibbs to chant, Scarlett to run in circles naked and I'll do this." He then proceeded to do his weird hand gesture. Before I could protest about the naked part, Mr Gibbs interrupted,"I know a man with a goat!"

"Great, then I can go like this." Once again, Jack performed the hand gesture, his eyes widening.

"So what shall we do until we get a goat?" I questioned the two men as we started to walk along the beach.

"I don't know. But do you know what I do know that you both don't know?"

"What?" I wasn't sure if Mr Gibbs was wondering about Jack's answer or whether he was confused to Jack's statement.

"It's a pirates life for me."

(I know it's very short but believe me, it has to be for the next chapter will shall be up soon!)

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