A Throne Is A Big Chair

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"You are dismissed." Dorian waved off the two servants. I peeked around the curtain as the servants left me. Dorian ordered them to give me a dress and fix me up. My hair was up in a neat bun and I had some hooped earrings. The dress I was wearing was turquoise blue and was a one shoulder that fit my shape. Though I felt completely out of place in my new surroundings, I was starting to like the idea of being a queen.

       Slowly, I walked out from behind the curtain. I felt conscious of what I was wearing, not used to being this dolled up. Dorian was stood in an archway, looking. down on the tribe. How the hell had he become king of these people? Had he tricked them?

"Scarlett, you look ravishing." Dorian held his arms out to me, pulling me towards his chest. I found myself wrapping my arms around his waist.

"How did this all happen?" I asked, looking up at him. The fact that he was a lot taller than me didn't help with my confidence.

"I may have told you a white lie to get me back here." He admitted.

"So, you lied to me to get back to your so called kingdom?"

"Yes but it was all for you."

"For me?"

"You will find out tonight." he kissed my forehead before leaving me. What the hell was that supposed to mean?


The night came pretty quickly for me even though I was only watching the village. Dorian had told me to stay with him in his little 'palace'. The people were arranging food and painting each other with more paint. The two servants returned and started to paint me with the tribal tattoos. They wound around my arms and looked like vines. They took my hair out of the bun, leaving it flowing down my back and gave me a flower crown with big roses on them. I wasn't sure what was going on but I was pretty sure it had something to do with my 'return'.

       Dorian was no where to be found in the palace so I made my way down the steps. No one had noticed I was there and I quickly dashed off in the direction Jack was taken. Hiding in a bush, there were two guards on duty. I tried to think of a plan to distract them when it occurred to me: I was their queen! They would do whatever I would say.

"I would like a few moments with the prisoner. Go see if you can help with the celebration whilst I am here." I said very confidently. One of them gave me a sword for my own safety as they left.

        Jack was hanging upside down from a rope, with both his hands and feet bound tightly. I didn't know what Dorian planned to do with him, but I knew it wasn't going to be good.

"Ah, your majesty!" Jack smiled.

"Peasant." I curtsied.

"If you would be so kind as to cut me down, then I would be eternally great full."

"The things I do for you Jack." I went over to the piece of rope on the tree, and cut it. He went plummeting to the ground, landing with a thump. I cut him loose from the other pieces of rope and he sat up.

"They took my rum." Jack pouted.

"I'll get you some more." I handed him his hat which he placed on his head.

"What's the plan?"

"I don't know. It seems like there having some sort of celebration for me returning."

"Well let's quickly peg it out of here and back on the ship. That way we have a ship to ourselves whilst we wait for The Black Pearl to come to me!" I gave him a look,"Us, I meant us."

"I can't Jack. Dorian is going to explain why this is all happening and I need to find out. Plus, someone would catch us."

"Well, find out sooner."

"That's the thing, he's not going to tell me until the celebration. And Jack, you're forgetting we need a crew."

"No we don't. We've managed before."

"Only just. Look, go back to the crew and tell them to get the ship ready, I'll meet you there." I said getting up onto my feet. Jack grabbed my hand, pulling me back.

"When will you be coming back?"

"I don't know Jack! I'll be there don't worry."

"I'm not worrying about you, your a big girl. I'm just saying what if Dorian keeps you?"

"Then I'll have to stay. For your safety."

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