Blame It On September - Full - Unfinished

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Blame It On September; multi-fandom.

There's always that one summer you will never forget. The summer where you feel like that kid on TV who’s having the time of their life. The summer where you have to just stop and take it all in because you cannot even begin to believe it’s even happening. As if, it’s some sort of dream. But when it ends, what do you do? Well, you could do what I do. Blame it on September. 

“I can still see you standing there,  summer tangled in your hair.”

Prologue: Wake Me Up When September Ends

Summer is suppose to be fun. It's suppose to be the best time of your life when you're a teenager. I mean, on TV and in the movies all the kids have loads of fun, right? They go to the beach, they go to carnivals, amusement parks, Disney Land, and they go to concerts and like in the movie Grease: they fall in love.

Well, ladies and gentlemen, it is not all rainbows and gumdrops. Sometimes summer sucks; and by sucks, I mean it really just sucks. And no, I am not talking about the summer reading or the projects teachers give us to do. Nothing to do with that. It sucks because it has to end. It ends and you're just left wishing for next summer to come as soon as possible. 

But there's always that one summer you will never forget. The summer where you feel like that kid on TV. The summer where you have to just stop and take it all in because you cannot even begin to believe it is even happening. As if, it’s some sort of dream. 

That happened to me this passed summer. It was the best summer of my life, until it ended, of course. 

My parents finally trusted my brother and me to go to our beach house, alone, out in the Hampton’s, for the whole two months, July and August. I brought my best friends, my brother brought his friend and his girlfriend along, and we had a blast. 

We barbecued almost every night, we went to parties on the beach, we had a huge bonfire, we went tanning, we went swimming in the ocean at all hours of the night, we went and walked around on the boardwalk and the pier and one of my friends even went and jumped off a freaking cliff. Nevertheless, all the fun stopped when September came. 

Personally, I do not blame school for ruining our fun because some people go back in August, sometimes even as early as the end of July. I don't even blame my parents, as most teenagers would do. Do you want to know what I blame? I blame it on September. 

I just have this feeling in my gut that everything ended because of September. It was the month created by Satan, if you ask me.

Because if it wasn't for September, my heart just may still be in one piece and maybe I wouldn't have had a friend move all the way across the country nor have had to sit in a hospital for a week, crying my eyes out. 

Without September, my life still could've been okay. If only we could just skip it. To be honest, how many people would actually care if we did get rid of the month all together? I wouldn't care and I guarantee my friends wouldn't give a crap either. Because, frankly, September just sucks.

But enough of my complaining. There's no use in it anyway. It's all over and I can't change anything about it, even if I wanted to.

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