OD: Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: “Thanks for Nothing, Kiss My Ass”

{Alex’s POV}

“So I’ll see you tomorrow?” I asked Nora. “At rehearsal?”

“As long as you pick me up.” She said with a smile.

“Deal.” I smiled, kissing her cheek. “Okay, well I’ll call you tomorrow or later, or when ever you want me to.” I said really fast.

Nora smiled. “Call me when ever you want Alex.”

I grinned. “Okay!” Wow, I sound desperate. I looked down at my feet. “So, umm, I’ll see you tomorrow…”

Nora titled my head up, making me look at her. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” she said with a smiled. Grabbing her bag she made her way to the door.

I smiled and followed her. Being a gentleman I opened the door for her. She smiled and kissed me quickly, then starting to walk out the door. I grabbed her arm.

“What happened?” Nora asked.

I smirked and pulled her closer to me. “Is that anyway to kiss your boyfriend when you leave?” I asked her. “I’m not gonna see your pretty face for 24 hours.”

Nora smirked. “You’ll make it.”

“No I won’t.” I smiled and then kissed her. We kept kissing until I heard yelling and a door slam.

Nora pulled away. “You should go see what that is.” She suggested.

“I will, later.” I said, leaning to kiss her again.

She pushed my face away. “Bye Alex.” She smiled and kissed my cheek then walked out the door. I sighed and closed the door, the walking to where the yelling was coming from.

I walked over to where Dominique and Jack were standing. They were down each others throats. She was staring at him. I swear if looks could kill, Jack would be putty.

I walked over to them. Before I could say anything Dominique spoke.

“Can you please make him leave.” my sister said. Her eyes were all puffy and her face had tear stains. What the hell happened?!

“Are you crying?” I asked her. She quickly wiped her face and mumbled something to herself. I looked over at Jack, trying to figure out what was going on.

Jack sighed. “I’m gonna go.” He walked towards the door, grabbing his stuff and closed it behind him.

“What the hell happened?” I asked her. I was concerned; I wanted to know why she was crying and why she was trying to kill Jack with her eyes, not that that’s not an everyday thing.

“He called me a bitch.” She told me.

My face dropped. He wouldn‘t do that. “He did what?!” I asked, making sure I had heard right.

“You heard me.” She said before her tears started again and running up to her room.

“Crap.” I muttered, running my fingers through my hair, trying to figure out what to do.

Think Alex think damnit. Your little sister is upstairs crying her eyes out over a guy who she- hates? What the hell?! I swear girls are so confusing.

I jogged up the stairs trying to figure out what to say, running into Rian.

“What’s up with your sister?” Rian asked me.

I sighed. “Apparently Jack called her a bitch.” I said.

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