OD: Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: “Get It Right”

Saturday morning I was rudely awakened by my brother. Eight in the morning is way too early for me and Alex knows that.

“Get up!” He yelled at me.





“No,” I dragged out.

“Yes,” He mimicked me.

“No.” I said, burying my face in my pillow. “Go away.” I mumbled into my oh-so-comfy pillow.


“Never say never, Alex.” I said.

“See, this is why you need to get up. You need to get out more.” He told me.

“I get out plenty.” I argued.

“Of course you do.” He said, rolling his eyes at me. “Now, get up! Rehearsal time!”

I sighed. “Why do I have to go to your rehearsal?!” I asked, because it really didn’t make any sense to me.

“So you can see all your friends!” Alex said, too enthusiastically.

“I have other friends.” I told him. “Why do you just assume your friends are mine? Because they’re not.” I said, getting up.

“But it’s true.” He said, before leaving the room.

I rolled my eyes. No its not, stupid Alex.

I went and showered, then quickly got dressed. When I was done I went downstairs. Ashlee, Rian and Alex were all already ready.

“God, do you take forever.” Alex said, pushing himself off the couch. He grabbed his keys, making his way to the door. “Let’s go people.” He said, opening the door.

“I only took forever because I’m tired.” I told him as I followed him to the car.

“Well, maybe you should’ve gone to bed earlier.” Alex suggested. “Oh! Wait, that’s right,” He smiled then continued, “You were out, at the mall, having fun and had no time for sleeping.”

I stuck my tongue out him and like a little kid; I crossed my arms as I pouted.

“Yeah, get in the car kid.” He told me. I sighed and sat in the backseat with Ashlee. Rian sat in the front with Alex driving.

“So how was being the third wheel?” Ashlee asked me.

Third wheel? I thought for a second. Oh! I almost forgot that I didn’t tell her about my date. I loved Ashlee and I trusted her, but she had a big mouth. And I didn’t want to risk my over protective brother finding anything out about Jason and I.

“Eh, it was okay.” I answered. A little lie wasn’t going to hurt anyone.

Ashlee laughed. “They weren’t being all lovey-dovey or anything?”

“Nope.” I simply said.

“Surprising, they usually always are when they’re together.” Ashlee said.

I smiled and nodded, hoping she would drop the subject. She smiled back then sank into her seat with a sigh. Something felt off about her today, but I ignored it.

“Let’s go, out of the car!” Alex said. “We’re already late.”

“We’re already late.” I mocked him.

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