stay tuned - unfinished

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  stay tuned: liam payne fan fiction 

                        “Liam, what ever happened to that YouTube channel?”             

                               “My girlfriend is helping me get it up and running. We should be posting a video soon. Make sure to subscribe! Stay tuned for more!”

zero: first video 

      The red light flashes on her camera, signaling that it’s ready and recording. She takes a deep breath and then looks up at the camera, right into the lens as if looking into someone’s eyes. 

“Hi!” She says, very enthusiastically, causing her to make a look of disgust. She shakes her head and starts over, taking another deep breath before looking up again. 

“Hey, guys! Liam’s girlfriend here!” She stops again and groans. “I sound pathetic,” she mutters. Just keep it natural, Mia, you got this.

She looks up at the camera again, only to get up from her spot on her messy bedroom floor to stop it from recording. She sighs at her effort and grabs her phone from her bed, sliding it unlocked and then dialing a number as she sits back down on the wood floor of her room. 

“Hey, babe,” he says through the phone. His voice sounds heavy, low and slow, as if he had just gotten up. He must have because it’s about nine in the morning in Los Angeles right now. She’s horrible person for waking him up so early. Crap. She should just pretend it was a mistake and hang up; letting him get some more sleep because he barely gets any to begin with. 

“Mia?” he mutters when she doesn’t say anything, the sound of a bed creaking in the background, confirms her assumption. 

“Did I wake you?” She asks nervously. 

“Yeah, but I had to get up anyway,” he explains, knowing she probably feels guilty. 

“Are you—”

He stops her right away. “You alright?” He asks, his accent thicker in his sleepy state. He lets out a long yawn afterwards, making Mia feel a little worse. 

“I’m fine; it’s just this video—”

He cuts her off again, this time with excitement. “Did you finish it?”

She sighs. “I can’t do this,” she mumbles, holding her head in her free hand. “Liam, can you—”

“Mia,” she can practically hear his frown, “you can do it! I know you can!” He says encouragingly, but she isn’t convinced. 

“But Liam, I suck at this,” she argues. 

“Don’t you want to be a director, Mia?” He asks, already knowing the answer. 

Mia has dreamed of directing since she was a small child. She loves cameras, editing and everything about film making, except being in front of the camera. She could record all sorts of people, yell action! all day, but when it comes to her being the star, there is no way in hell she would even consider doing such a thing. She likes hiding behind the camera. 

“Mia, come on, it’s not even bad! When you’re a famous director, what are you going to do during interviews?” He asks. “You can’t hide behind the camera. You’re gorgeous, babe. You should be in front of the camera, not behind it.” 

She sighs, running her fingers through her hair. “Liam, it is bad.”

She hears him sigh into the phone. “Alright, if you really don’t want to do it, you can film me when I get home in two weeks.”

She feels even worse than she did before. This was her idea and she is going to just suck it up and do it. “No,” she starts, “I am going to do this if it kills me.”


“No, no, Liam, never mind, I got this. I’m so sorry for bothering you, okay? I’m going to go now. I’ll call you when I’m uploading it. Later; love you, babe.” She doesn’t give him a chance to process his thoughts before she hangs up her phone and tosses it on the bed. 

She takes a deep breath and stands, turning on the camera before she sits again. She takes a breath and looks up at the camera, smiling. “Hi, guys!”

“Hi, Liam, I’m just calling you to tell you I filmed the video and I posted it. So when you’re not busy, call me back so I can send you the link to post it on your twitter. Love you, bye,” Mia hangs up the phone and smiles to herself.

                                                         ► ► ►

“Hi guys! So I know it’s kind of weird to see me on Liam’s channel because it is his channel. But, if you don’t know who I am already, hi, I’m Liam’s girlfriend, Mia. But anyway, the reason I’m on here is because I’ve convinced Liam to actually use this channel for your benefit. 

 I bought Liam a camera for his birthday and I told him I wanted him to film everything, or as much as he could and I told him I would edit it and put it on his channel so that you guys can see what him and the boys are up to. Part of it is because its good practice for me, but it’ll also be fun for everyone, since I know how much everyone misses the video diaries.

 So now that you guys know all this, please subscribe because you have my word that I will keep on top of Liam to record a little bit everyday. And for the record, he would be doing this video, but he’s in LA right now, working, so he told me to make this video, even though I’m not really a fan of being in front of the camera. I prefer to be behind it.

 And also, if you guys want him to do any special videos, like challenges or tag videos, or anything, please tell me on twitter or leave a comment below, please. Thanks for watching and stay tuned for more!”

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