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michael groaned when he heard the sound of his alarm clock beeping. jesus christ. all he wanted to do was sleep, not deal with all this school bullshit. well, he wanted to sleep and find his soulmate. call him a crazy, soppy lover boy, but michael wanted nothing more than to meet eyes with the love of his life. he wanted it so so bad.

but nope. instead he was stuck waking up at 6:00 a.m. just so that he could arrive in hell on time.

"two more months," michael whispered to himself as he rolled out of his dark toned duvet. two more months until he was out of high school. michael knew his mom wasn't really going to make him attend college. she wouldn't make him do that when she knew how much the whole soulmate thing meant to him.

michael made his way into his en suite bathroom, and analyzed the dark toned bags underneath his tinted eyes. he felt so ugly. thank god that soulmates were a thing, because otherwise he knew that no one would shoot him a second glance.

his hair was messy, and probably lightly colored. he could only tell because of its tones compared to the tones of the 'whites' of his eyes. michael's great grandmother had told him that he had beautiful green eyes, just like his great grandfather. michael wanted nothing more than to see the colors. god, michael needed to be able to see it. he needed to be able to see the colors.

it was all he could think about every morning.

all he could think about was how beautiful the world must've been with shades and tones in different colors. they would be bright, and dark.

and everyone's eyes. michael loved eyes. it was the first thing he looked at in a person when he saw them. he thought that a person's eyes were the most beautiful thing about them, and michael loved all people.

these thoughts continued to race through his head as he brushed his teeth. he kept scrubbing until they appeared 'white enough'. not that it really mattered. he then ran his fingers through his tangled hair. he stopped the movement when he saw the 'x' tattoo on his finger. that one had appeared most recently on his eighteenth birthday around five months ago.

he had pondered that tattoo every day. maybe it symbolized kisses. michael liked that idea. he'd never kissed anyone because he wanted to save all his 'firsts' for his soulmate. he hadn't met them yet, but he just knew that when he did meet them, he'd already be in love with everything about them. 100% infatuated.

michael changed out of his boxers and a dark-toned shirt into even darker toned jeans and a different dark shirt. he liked the dark 'colors' because they contrasted greatly with his almost 'white' skin and light toned hair.

michael didn't believe in the concept of bracelets besides the watch that he wore on his left wrist. he couldn't see why anyone would want to completely cover their arms. after all, that's where the tattoos appear most often. why would you want to hide your tattoos when those are the best way to find your soulmate? michael just couldn't process it at all.

he raced down the stairs and into the kitchen where his mother was putting a ham and cheese sandwich in a paper bag. at least he hoped it was ham and cheese and not some other combination. yeah his mom still made his lunch. it wasn't weird at all.

he grabbed an apple from a basket on the counter and took a single bite out of it before grabbing the paper bag and walking towards the door quickly. every day held the possibility of a soulmate spotting. there was no point in wasting a single moment.

"michael!" his mother called from behind him, and he turned around with a goofy smile.

"bye, mom," he walked back over to her and gave her a tight hug before heading towards out the door once again.

another day, another chance.

michael knew it was going to be today.

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