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luke unlocked the door to his and michael's shared dorm room, praying michael hadn't gotten home before he did. he didn't want to have to lie and come up with an excuse for why he wasn't lying in bed, sick, like he was before michael left. of course, when he pushed open the door, michael was on the other side of it, kicking bags of supposed gifts underneath his bed so that luke couldn't see what they were.

"luke, you scared the shit out of me, holy fuck," michael complained, walking over to the blue-eyed boy, studying his face carefully. "i came back, expecting to find my cute soulmate being a burrito, but instead i came back and you were gone. i was worried sick."

luke felt guilty at michael's concern for him. luke was out hooking up with arzalea while michael was buying and wrapping gifts for luke.

'it doen't count as cheating on him, because i don't have feelings for arzalea,' he thought, smiling lightly to michael.

"i, uh, decided to go to the store and get some medicine, but they, uh, didn't have the kind i needed." luke lied, looking down at his feet, shuffling them.

"what kind do you need? i can go get you it," michael suggested, but luke just shook his head.

"it's fine, i don't need it." luke shoved the thought aside, but michael just continued to frown.

"luke, you were so sick earlier that you wanted me to stay in bed with you instead of leaving to go shopping. if you need medicine, i'll go get it for you." michael went to grab his wallet before luke stopped him.

"no!" luke yelled, pausing before speaking again. "i'm fine. i actually uh, scheduled a doctor appointment for tomorrow." another lie. "so i'll be better."

"oh, okay," michael nodded slowly, seemingly skeptical of luke's words. "what time is it? do you want me to go with you?"

"it's at one-thirty. you should stay here, get stuff done, yeah?" luke suggested, causing michael to raise his eyebrow at luke.

"okay, luke," michael forced a smile, breathing deeply before speaking again. "how about we order some pizza and watch christmas vacation?"

the two boys ordered two large pizzas, enjoying their flavor as they watched the classic christmas movie. luke fell asleep near the end of the movie, cuddling up into michael's side to get comfortable. michael looked down at the sleeping boy beside him, it taking everything in him not to wake up the boy and make out with him. michael was just so infatuated with the blue-eyed boy. meeting his soulmate was all that michael had looked forward to his whole life, and now that he had found him, he didn't know what to do with himself. he felt like luke was so close, but so far away.

michael was about to shut his eyes himself as the credits began to roll when he noticed something on luke's neck. nothing big, but different enough to notice. on luke's neck, michael observed small, red splotches. they were nearly transparent, but they became apparent to michael. michael had no clue what they were, or how luke had gotten them, but he decided not to bring them up. if something was happening, luke would let him know.

maybe. michael was also slightly cynical, so determining what plan of action was the best in the moment was nearly impossible without assuming everything that walks the earth is against him.

michael pulled out his phone, texting alex to ask if he was down for coming to visit tomorrow. he was hoping maybe alex would bring his car, and go with him on a lowkey stalking-luke expedition. it was taking alex too long to reply, so michael just fell asleep, cradling luke closely to his chest, not wanting to let go of his soulmate.

the next day was nearly wasted away when both the boys woke up around noon, luke getting up slowly to go get dressed. michael checked his phone for a reply while luke was in the bathroom, and frowned when the response was, "i can't come tomorrow, sorry man."

there went michael's opportunity to check and make sure his soulmate was okay without being too openly pushy.

it didn't help that luke came out of the bathroom looking amazing as fuck, black skinny jeans and a grey hoodie that hung on luke's broad frame perfectly. the ensemble was completed with luke's signature black boots, and he reassured michael he'd be back after his appointment as soon as possible.

little did michael know, luke wasn't seeing a doctor. instead, luke was seeing arzalea in the backseat of the car he and michael shared, but nobody needed to know that. not today. not when christmas was right around the corner.

not when luke was cheating on the one person who loved him more than anyone else ever would.

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