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"no no no, come back here," luke reached at michael with grabby hands from his bed. michael sighed, finding it hard to say no to the blue-eyed boy when he sniffled his nose. luke had caught a common cold conveniently four days before christmas, and didn't want to be left alone for a moment.

that and luke found michael's red hair to be extremely hot.

"luke, unless you don't want christmas presents this year, i suggest you let me leave this room," michael smiled at luke half-heartedly, his heart suddenly melting when he made eye contact with the sick boy.

"all i want right now is for my nose to stop running so i can kiss you without being worried i'll get you sick."

"who said i care about getting sick?"

"i don't wish this plague upon the worst of my enemies." luke sniffled, causing michael to laugh lightly, sitting down on the side of the bed next to luke, who was burritoed in blankets, cuddling a stuffed penguin close to his side.

"what do you want me to do, babe?" michael asked, looking sympathetically at the sick boy.

"turn on the christmas tree lights, shut the blinds, and crawl into this burrito with me so i can cuddle with you." luke pleaded, sticking out his lower lip lightly in hopes of that encouraging michael further.

"luke, i have to go christmas shopping. today. i need to go buy you some gifts, baby, or i've got nothing for you."

"all i want for christmas is you, michael." luke smiled, reaching for the now redheaded michael's hand.

"you just went from scrooge to buddy hall."

"please stay."

"i promise as soon as i get back, i'll crawl right into your burrito with you and cuddle you, okay luke?"

"okay, michael." luke whined under his breath, watching as michael pulled on a black leather jacket before exiting out of the dorm room, leaving a needy luke all alone.

luke was maybe alone in the room for five minutes before his cell phone began ringing on the table next to his bed. he reached over for it lazily, accepting the call without looking at who had called him.

"hello?" he greeted.

"hey, luke?" a familiar girl's voice rang across the line.

"arz?" luke responded, unsure if he had guessed the correct girl. apparently he had.

"i-i was out on a date with my old ex, you remember him, a-and we went to this bar, and he's completely out of it, and he's trying to touch me and i just— come pick me up, please?" luke listened to her plead, and frowned. arzalea was one of his closest girl friends, and despite the fact that he was sick, he needed to help a good friend out.

"where are you?" luke asked, groggily rolling out of bed.

"the club we always used to go to," she replied, and luke hummed in response, pulling a pair of sweatpants on over his boxers, along with a shirt on over his head. "please hurry."

"i'll be there as soon as i can," luke replied, pulling a beanie on over his messy hair, observing the overgrown scruff on his face before pulling on boots while heading out the door.

"y-you're the best, luke."

and with that, she hung up, and luke began driving as fast as he could to pick up his desperate friend. it took him around ten minutes before he was halted outside the club, a nervous looking arzalea stumbling into the car next to him.

she immediately threw her arms around his neck, a hug luke took as an extreme thank you.

"i don't know what i'd do without you, luke." she mumbled.

"your dorm or mine?"

she hesitated, biting her lip before asking, "is michael home?"

"nah, he's out shopping," luke replied, his eyes focused on the road as he began driving in the general direction of the university.

"mine, actually." she shrugged, placing her manicured hand on luke's thigh as he drove. now luke wasn't usually one to get turned on so quickly, especially not with girls after he and michael had become an unofficial thing, but holy fuck, the feeling of contact so close to where he'd been missing contact awoke a part of luke he'd thought he'd left behind a while ago.

her fingers trailed slowly up his leg, pausing when luke's breath hitched in his throat.

they pulled into the parking lot for the girls' dorms around the same time, luke looking over to arzalea, unwanted lust painting his blue eyes.

"i don't want to ruin anything you have going on right now, luke," she whispered, reaching a hand up to the side of luke's face, causing his eyes to shut at the familiar feeling of her fingernails on his skin. "but i need you."

luke breathed out slowly, words escaping his mind in the moment. the only thing he could think about was the feeling of pleasure he hadn't felt in the past month and a half.

"nobody needs to know, baby," she whispered, leaning forward to attach her lips to luke's neck, not hard enough to leave any kind of marks. she hummed at luke's natural reaction, and as luke pulled her from the passenger seat onto his lap, her knees on either side of his legs.

"you swear not to tell a single soul?" luke whispered, looking at arzalea's lips, back to her eyes, and then back to her lips.

she said nothing in response, just connected their lips roughly together.

and as much as luke wished he could, he couldn't say that he had said no.

thoughts & feedback ?

lmao i was gonna make this another fluff chapter but this was getting boring so i was like meh why not throw in drama that will alter the way this whole story plays out ?

btw i was just thinking the pic on the top/ side would make a great pic to manip some muke action in, wouldnt you agree ?

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