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that day was one of the best days of michael's life. at least it felt like one of the best days of his life.

     alex was amazing. he was funny, he was smart (because apparently he was in all honors classes at his american school), and he had an amazing music taste.

     michael's heart leaped after school when alex pulled him into hug, gave him his number, and said, "i think that we're going to be good friends."

     michael felt so tingly and happy, and couldn't do anything except nod enthusiastically. alex laughed at the adorable guy in front of him.

     "see you, on monday!" alex waved goodbye to michael with a wide smile, and michael waved back.

     "see you then!" michael replied, and he then sat himself down on a bench so that he could wait for his mom to arrive. now he had to talk to his guidance counselor.

     michael's mom came walking through the parking lot holding a folder in her left hand, and michael greeted her with a smile.

   "hi mom!" he exclaimed.

"hey sweetie, how are you?" she smiled, and pulled him into a side hug. "how's the new kid?"

    "i'm doing pretty good," michael smiled and he shrugged with a natural grin on his face. "and he's really nice. mom, i think he's one of my compatibles."

(A/N: Compatibles— people that you're compatible with, and you have matching tattoos, but you aren't soulmates with them. You only have one soulmate, but you can have a few compatibles. You're welcome)

     "sweetheart! that's amazing! what does he look like? what does he act like?" his mom pressed and michael became all blushy.

     "he's maybe a few inches shorter than me, and he has dark toned hair and eyes, and he's super funny and smart. i bet you'd love him," michael rambled, but he stuttered a bit at the end. "but... he's not my soulmate. mom, we had matching tattoos, but alex also matches tattoos with jack baraka—"

     "alex? jack?" my mom seemed confused.

"alex is the new guy, jack is the cool guy. remember? we've talked about him before." jack and michael were friends until jack figured out that he could play football and michael realized that he was way better at video games than any other physical activity. suddenly jack hated michael and michael didn't like jack because jack didn't like him.

     "oh, okay. carry on," his mother moved her hand in a 'continue' motion, and michael's mouth went back to speaking a mile a minute.

     "... i think that alex and jack might be soulmates. and i think jack knows it too because he looked scared when i came over, and jack's never scared. he seemed nervous and made an excuse not to hang out with the guy he was just talking to and hanging around. plus, they even looked like a couple. i'd bet all my allowance money on the fact that they're soulmates." michael shrugged. "but at least i have a new friend."

    "i'm so glad that you've made a new friend, michael. and i bet it's a good idea to become friends with one of your compatibles. you two must get along very well." michael just nodded in response, and the two of them proceeded to walk back into the school and into the guidance counselor's office. 

    "hello, pam," my mother shook the woman—pam's— hand in greeting.

"hello, mrs. clifford. hello michael," she smiled. "i see you've been accepted into a few colleges, two in the states! that's an amazing opportunity for you, michael. have you considered these options?"

    "yes, ma'am," michael nodded, and she nodded in response as if to say 'please share'. "i'm considering ohio state. i think i'd study engineering there so maybe i could design video games?"

     michael's mom scoffed at the second part of michael's proposal, but pam said nothing and wrote down a few notes on an excel sheet. "that sounds excellent, michael. i'm sure you're very excited to graduate in a few months?"

     "very excited. one month and three days, to be exact," michael chuckled.

"michael's more excited for what's after college than college itself," michael's mother laughed, and he shot her a small frown. no one else needed to know about the soulmate thing.

   "i'm sure he is," pam smiled. "well, michael, i can't wait to see what the future holds for you."

and michael couldn't wait either.

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