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"michael! get up! your first class starts in forty five minutes!" luke yelled, and michael's eyes immediately shot open as he sat up. it was his first week in college and he already was waking up late. his head, unfortunately, on the way up collided with something harshly on the way up, or should it be said, someone.

   "aw shhhh—" michael began, his first instinct being that his hands flew up to luke's head, steadying it, and checking for bruises. michael realized just how weird that was when luke coughed awkwardly, and his hands immediately left luke's face.

   "i'm so sorry, are you okay?" michael asked, rubbing his own forehead that felt like it was containing a baby bird trying to peck out.

   "i'm fine, you?" luke asked, but the grimace that was hidden behind his gentle smile was evident, and michael groaned hanging his head in his hands. luke was never going to fall in love with him if he gave him a concussion within the first week of meeting him.

   "i'm fine, but you aren't. i'm sorry, i'm honestly such a fuck up, and i'm clumsy, and awkward, and now you're basically stuck with me unless of course you complain to administration about me and then they'd force me to move dorms or something. dear jesus, i need to stop talking." michael rambled on and on before shutting himself up, a flush rising to his cheeks.

   "michael, i honestly don't care if we just bumped heads, i just don't want you to be late. you forgot to set your alarm last night, i'm just trying to help," luke smiled a dazzling smile that could basically cure world hunger. "i always go to this little cafe right down the road for pre-class coffee shots. you remember that friend i mentioned the other day? she works there. she can get the coffee out in five minutes. i'll send her a text telling her to get it ready, and if you get ready fast i can guarantee you some coffee that'll get you up and on your feet. whatdya say?"

   luke shot his hands into two thumbs up as he scooted himself off the side of my bed, and michael shot luke a thumbs up back in response along with a sleepy smile.

   michael couldn't help but think, 'why the fuck was luke even on my bed to wake me up in the first place?' but he said nothing. he just rolled out of his bed, and grabbed the harley muscle tee that he had hung up the night before, like luke had suggested him do.

     he grabbed a pair of skinny jeans before heading towards the bathroom. he did so quickly, because luke was taking off his sweatpants to change, and honestly michael was not one of those guys who changed among other guys, especially since he felt insecure about his stomach. michael wasn't really fat, and michael understood that, but he just felt insecure about the smooth skin on his abdomen around guys who had abs, and michael was positive that luke had abs.

   that and he was almost certain he'd get a boner if he saw luke in anything less than pants and a tee shirt, because he almost got one when luke was fully clothed.

   michael looked into the mirror and he turned his lips down in disapproval. he looked like a mess, and it was evident that he'd definitely drooled the night before. and luke saw that. michael decided mentally that he hated himself for being completely unappealing in every way, and quickly put on deodorant, changed, and brushed his teeth, and went to the bathroom. he ran his fingers through his hair, pushing the fringe so that it wasn't completely in his eyes. he really needed to get a haircut.

    when he pushed open the bathroom door, luke was sitting on his bed playing on his phone, and michael thought that he looked hot as fuck. he was dressed in dark skinny jeans, and he was wearing a blue long sleeve shirt. michael almost complimented the color since it perfectly matched luke's eyes, but he remembered that he couldn't say stuff like that yet.

   "you ready?" luke asked, and michael just nodded, because words couldn't seem to leave his mouth. luke looked him up and down. "nice shirt."

   "t-thanks," michael managed to smile instead of wearing a nervous expression, and luke walked over to the door. michael really wanted to say something about how hot luke looked, but he didn't want to seem like a freak.

   luke scoffed, laughed, and said,"thanks, i guess."

"oh, shit i didn't mean to say that out loud. i'm not a weirdo i swear, i just love snapbacks?" michael rambled, and luke turned back to look at him, biting down on a lip ring that michael somehow didn't recall that luke had until now.

   "it's fine, mike, i love compliments," luke laughed. yuck. michael hated the nickname 'mike'. he felt like it was almost a derogatory word to call him because it seemed like a middle-aged man name.

   "you made a face, what's wrong," luke laughed, and at this point they were walking out of the dorm building and down the street to the coffee shop that was apparently close by.

   "me? oh it's nothing, i'm just not a big fan of the nickname mike, but it's whatever it's cool, call me whatever." michael pushed of the subject, but luke nodded slowly.

   "i'll come up with a better one then," luke smiled at michael, and michael basically felt like he was melting but whatever. "this is our stop."

  they pushed through the doors to the small cafe, and they were automatically hit with a wave of the glorious scent of coffee beans. luke raised up his arm and waved at the blonde girl who was currently making an iced macchiato behind the counter.

   "hey luke, hey luke's friend!" she smiled at them, and luke sat down on one of the barstools by the counter she was working at, so michael did too.

   "come on, aleisha, hit us with the good stuff," luke laughed, drumming his fingers against the counter. she laughed, and began bringing up little shot glasses of espresso up onto the counter. six, three for both of us.

   luke began taking his down, so michael did as well. dang, the coffee was strong and bitter, but quite delicious in this case.

   "luke, what's your friend's name?" she asked, as she put whipped cream on a frappuchino.

"ask him, god," luke rolled his eyes jokingly.

   "michael," michael said awkwardly before aleisha had asked.

"oh, cool, hey michael, i'm aleisha," she held out her hand with a smile for him to shake. "certified as luke's best friend since day one."

   michael couldn't help but think, 'is that a challenge?' but he said nothing.

"well, it's great seeing you aleisha. i'll pay you back later," luke smiled, and he reached over the counter to kiss her cheek. michael's heart sank rapidly at the action, and that's when he realized that aleisha had to be the same girl from last night, but she looked so different them then she did then. right now she looked simple and plain and pretty, but last night she looked almost the opposite.

   "let's get to class," luke smiled at michael, and the two boys hustled out of the coffee shop quickly to make it to class on time.

((A/N: okay i feel like its been a while, so here's a longer update than normal. im not trying to say that aleisha is like this irl, shes just like this in this book, okay? Im sure shes great irl, but in here shes gonna be that one annoying girl, k? k.))

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