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michael told alex to meet him at the dorm building, because he wasn't actually sure which bar to go to. he was new to the area, so he had no clue which bars were the good bars.

yes, it matters.

michael made his way downstairs around ten minutes before alex was apparently going to arrive. luke still hadn't come back from hanging out with his friends. not that michael cared.

okay he totally cared, but he was trying to be pissed at the perfect boy.

when he reached the ground floor, he went outside and started making his way over to a bench, but he decided to push himself out of his comfort zone first.

he went over to some random, short, approachable looking dude to ask about the bars in town.

"hey, um," michael ran a hand through his hair awkwardly. the dude was much shorter up close. "hey."

"hey," the short guy gave him kind of a confused look, and michael just pushed through the awkward.

"so, my friend and i are new to the area, and i'm trying to find a good bar. where do you recommend?"

"oh, that's easy," the guy smirked. "the club on the corner of charles street? near the ice cream shop. it's easily the most popular club in town, especially among us buckeyes."

"great, tha—" michael began, but he was tackled from behind in a hug. "what the fu—?"

"michael!" michael smiled immediately realizing the arms wrapped around him were alex's.

"alex!" michael pulled away from the hug to turn and face his friend, but was surprised when he turned around. "holy shit! you dyed your hair blue!"

alex nodded, biting his lip to suppress a large, toothy smile.

"do you like it?" he inquired nervously.

"it's beautiful," michael reached out to touch the blue strands with his fingertips, ignoring how weird that was. "i can't believe you dyed your hair blue, you dumbass. you can't even see that color."

"well, i was getting a haircut, and i saw that they had blue dye. i knew you saw blue, so i thought why not?" alex shrugged. michael gave him another hug.

"you're amazing. this is amazing. i've been having the worst day." michael chuckled into alex's shoulder.

"aw, what happened?" alex asked, pulling out of the hug so they could talk properly.

"luke hemmings is trying to ruin my life," michael sighed, running a hand through his hair.

alex gave him a slightly confused look, but then just shrugged.

"how about we just catch up a bit before going out clubbing? because you know when we get there it's all gonna go down," alex laughed, and michael nodded with a small smile.

the two boys walked down the sidewalk to a nearby park, talking about alex's college, and his roommate that doesn't even go to class for some reason. talking about jack, and how he must be doing (alex mentioned that they had talked which made michael smile). talking about how college wasn't as hard as they thought it would be, and how nice america seemed.

eventually, they decided to head to a burger place and order a small dinner before going out clubbing. michael saw the guy with the blue eyes he'd seen earlier at the store waiting a table with a guy that michael thought looked really similar to bluey from the back. he was wearing darker clothing than bluey though.

alex and michael just ordered simple burgers, splitting a medium fri. he learned that bluey's name was phil, and that he was actually really nice and bubbly. plus he was actually and adequate waiter, unlike almost every other waiter he'd ever had.

alex and michael then paid their bill, leaving a decent sized tip before calling a cab and heading to the bar.

what a night they were in for.

sorry for the boring time skip i was too lazy to make conversations

let's just say, shit's gonna go down soon

at least i think so honestly this book is making me sad idk why

but people like it, so im trying to give you updates

i do have a plan, its just not completely solid yet aha

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