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somebody else just came on damn jalex's song

alex watched out of the corner of his eye as michael spoke on the phone with someone. he was told not to listen to the conversation, and he decided that if michael was his soulmate, than he should probably start to establish trust between the two of them. so alex put on his headphones and blared some blink-182.

what a conversation he missed out on.

"jack, jack please listen to m—"

"why the fuck did you even call me? michael, i never want to hear from you ever ag—"

"don't fucking hang up on me, jack." michael warned. "just let me explain. please. you're one of my only friends. i can't lose you."

silence fell on the line, before jack breathed deeply.


michael smiled at the fact that jack was actually letting him talk.

"so, we'll start from the beginning: i don't see whatever you said alex's eye color is. i can't. i already see blue, luke's eye color. luke made me feel very upset, so i wanted to go get drunk so i could forget about it for a bit, right? so i called alex to see if he wanted to go with me, and he said he was already on his way, and he showed up with blue hair, and i was like 'woah, dude!', and he said he did it because of me and i was like, uh, okay. so then whatever we went and got drunk, and i guess i apparently drunkenly asked him to have sex with me, and he slightly less drunkenly agreed. he says he woke up and he could see color, but i don't know if it's for real."

jack didn't speak for a bit, which made michael feel nervous.

"please, don't be mad at me. sober me would never have done it," michael pleaded, scratching the kiss(es?) he and alex had shared more recently out of the list of things he told jack, not wanting to ruing everything.

"i'm not mad at you, i'm just..." jack trailed off, and he felt awful. jack sounded like he wanted to cry. jack was the strongest person michael had ever met. "i just wish it was easier. i wish alex could just see me, and i wish luke could see you. it'd be so easy then. it'd be so easy to be happy."

"i know," michael whispered through the line, shifting in the car seat.

"i feel like my life is the you belong with me music video, scratch the ending," jack chuckled lightheartedly, and michael couldn't help but laugh along with him.

"jack, i'm not dark haired taylor swift." michael chuckled. "i'm no enemy."

"i know, i know," jack laughed with him.

"i was thinking, maybe alex and i should go see a psychologist or something like that? to see if this has happened with other people? i won't mention to alex that you two are soulmates, don't worry. i just want to solve this mystery."

jack paused before responding. "that's a good idea. do that."

"okay, i'll try and get us there as soon as possible," michael noted in his mind to call some kind of psychologist after he hung up the phone with jack.

"okay." jack nodded in response, not that michael could see it.

"you sure you aren't mad at me?" michael inquired, his voice small.

"i'm sure. i definitely was for a bit, but i know this isn't directly your fault, so it's fine. we'll figure it out."

"yeah, we will." michael agreed. "one sec."

michael covered the speaker with his hand, and tapped alex's shoulder, causing alex to turn to look at him with a small smile.

"alex, can we start driving back to the dorms?"

"yeah, sure," alex smiled, pulling the car out of park and beginning to drive back to the dorms, which felt a lot closer in a car.

"okay, i've gotta go, jack," michael spoke, causing alex's eyes to light up.

"wait, you're on the phone with jack? hi jack!" alex yelled excitedly as the turned the corner into the dorm lot.

"tell alex i say hi," jack spoke softly through the line.

"okay," michael nodded. "jack says hi, alex." michael turned back to speaking on the phone to say goodbye to jack.

"bye, michael. remember to call me and keep me updated."

"i will! bye."

the two boys, both whom saw color, slid out of the car, and walked through the door building to michael's dorm room. michael hoped luke wasn't in there.

what michael wasn't expecting to find was none of luke's stuff there. all of it gone.
instead, a small note sat on what was once luke's bed.

i had to leave. i hope you understand.
— luke

michael didn't understand.

but he did cry again.

and alex may or may not have kissed him to try and help michael feel happy.

but it didn't work.

it never would.

thoughts & feedback are well appreciated :)

i feel like all i update is this story because people are actually active on it unlike my other ones.

love you all :)

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