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luke was most requested.

who's ready for a double update becuase im pretty close to 1k reads?

luke didn't know what to do when michael said that he loved him. he didn't know how to react when michael said that luke's eyes were blue.

he'd never really believed in the whole soulmate thing. yeah, he'd met a few compatibles, but he just kinda loved everyone. he didn't let the absent of color affect how he treated other people. he never really contemplated the fact that his soulmate was out there somewhere, searching for him while he was just living his life regardless of that.

seeing the vulnerable truth behind michael's bloodshot eyes carried feelings of immense guilt into luke's mind. he could feel it in his gut.

and that's why he had to get out of there. that's how luke ended up sober as could be, packing all of his belongings into suitcases and miscellaneous bags, writing a farewell note to michael. he had to get out of there.

that's how luke wound up requesting a dorm change at one a.m..

that's how luke ended up unpacking his stuff in a solo dorm room all the way across campus.

that's how luke ended up crying himself to 'sleep', taking an extra sleeping pill, which he usually had to take every night to combat his insomnia.

they still didn't work.

he laid facing the ceiling until the sun illuminated his face through the plastic blinds.

luke didn't think of michael as anything more than a friend.

he glanced down at his tattoos, trying to remember what tattoos michael had.

he observed his finger, rubbing his index finger over the small divide symbol. he felt like a fool. multiply and divide. it made sense.

he glanced at the black lines on his wrist, rubbing his thumb over them slowly. he couldn't remember what michael had there, but now he was curious.

but luke had basically built an emotional wall between himself and michael based on something michael most likely wouldn't even remember.

luke rolled out of bed, walking into his own small bathroom. he was disappointed by what he saw in the mirror. he looked so exhausted, the area under his eyes noticeably darker than the rest of his fair skin.

luke wondered what blue looked like.

he leaned in closer to the mirror, even though he knew it wouldn't make him be able to see color.

"why is it like this?" luke whispered to himself. "why can't we all just see all the colors?"

luke felt like he needed to know now. he needed to know what color looked like. what it felt like to see it.

"michael's kinda hot," luke spoke to himself, shrugging at his reflection in the mirror before shutting his eyes tight, keeping them closed. "he's kinda hot. i could love him. he's hot. he's nice. he's got matching tattoos with me, that's pretty cool. and....color!"

luke opened his eyes, hoping to see something. anything really.

but nothing appeared.

"i have to love him, he's my soulmate. i have to." luke mumbled, tugging at his hair in frustration.

luke closed his eyes again, and began to think about all the things he liked about michael.

he had a beautiful talking voice. he had soft hair. he had pretty eyes. he had a cute nose. his lips were really nice. he was nice. he had similar interests to luke. he liked a bunch of cool bands. he had a cute laugh. he was really funny. he made an effort to smell good most of the time. he had cool friends. he didn't make luke feel self conscious. he was accepting. he was strong emotionally. he was a cute drunk.

luke opened his eyes slowly, hoping to see color. really anything.

and he didn't, which made him just feel depressed.

luke wanted to love michael like he knew michael must love him. he wanted to be able to say that he loved michael.

he just couldn't. it was too much pressure to.

the thing is, luke didn't notice the slight tinge of green that had slowly begun to mix with the constant greyscale that constantly surrounded him a few day prior. not yet, not soon. but someday, maybe he would notice.

thoughts & feedback?

i think its really interesting how luke wants to love michael, but he doesnt realize that hes already started to, and hes just been ignoring it like the little troll he is ugh . i dunno. I think its cute

okay next update will be up in a bit

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