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michael was walking up the stairs, his arms folded and his lip pouting. he had just said goodbye to alex outside of his dorm building. luke was a few steps behind him, because he had joined their goodbying for the soul purpose of support for his new roommate and maybe new (best?) friend.

"michael," luke called. michael flinched, but didn't slow down. "michael."

michael began skipping steps as he made his way up the stairs, still ignoring luke. the best way to get over the fact that luke can't see what's right in front of him was ignoring him completely, at least that's what michael thought.

"michael." luke grabbed his elbow and stopped michael in his tracks. "i don't want to be enemies. what's wrong?"

michael stared into the blue-eyed boy's gaze, but he quickly snapped himself out of his trance. he looked away, sighing.

"if we're going to be best friends, you need to tell me the truth: is alex your soulmate?" luke asked, trying to get michael to look into his eyes. of course he just so happened to make eye contact when he said alex, and the eye contact with his soulmate, consequently, made his eyes dilate. michael remained silent, his mouth pressed into a line. "your eyes dilated. you know, just saying it would've been a lot easier. i want to be friends, michael. you seem like a great guy."

"alex is not my fucking soulmate, okay? i'm sorry if i'm coming off as rude, but i barely know you, and you're asking me personal questions." michael barked before his eyes softened, and he continued walking down the hallway, luke walking quickly to catch up to him.

"slow down, michael, for fuck's sake. just because i have long legs doesn't mean i walk 20 miles an hour, jesus," luke groaned, and michael tried to hide the blush he knew was painting his cheeks. he sucked at talking to people he thought were attractive, and he was quite content in the fact that luke didn't give up on him like most people did.

michael fumbled with his keys in the door, and luke rolled his eyes before grabbing michael's hand (the one on the doorknob but still) and twisting it as far right as it went before all the way to the left.

"the door's weird as fuck sometimes, but you get used to it." luke shrugged as he pushed the door open again. michael mumbled a small 'thanks', but he didn't think that luke heard it. "do you wanna play video games with me? i have a wii, xbox, and play station. and netflix. what are you up for?"

"do you have just dance?" michael blurted out before throwing a hand over his mouth. he loved the game, but he was so humiliated that he said that before halo or super mario smash bros.

"hell, yeah! i have just dance! 3,4, or 2015?" luke's eyes widened with amusement before he went over to his game shelf.

"are you kidding, or are you serious?" michael inquired.

"i'm completely serious! i love just dance, i thought that i was the only one," luke chuckled. "we can do 2015, that one's fun."

you'd think it'd be awkward having two 19 year old boys playing just dance in their dorm room the first day they met while waiting for their frozen pizza to thaw out, but it actually wasn't and michael was beginning to feel so giddy, people would think he was high.

"how are you so good at this?" michael complained as they finished the song, luke beating his score by 1000 points.

"let's just say, i've spent more time playing video games than studying, and i'm most definitely going to be stuck here an extra semester." luke chuckled. "spare time equals mastering every dance on just dance."

michael laughed at what luke said, and continued smiling afterwards, because he could see a future with him and luke. but everything luke was saying reminded him of what he had said earlier.

"luke? can i ask you something kind of personal?" michael spoke, killing the giggly mood. luke's mood adjusted immediately with michael's, and he nodded as a response. "earlier you said that you always have people ove—"

"oh don't worry, i won't have people over when you're here. don't want to interrupt your studies—"

"luke, that wasn't what i was asking. i was going to ask why you always have people over? like.... ya know..." michael cleared his throat awkwardly, and luke parted his lips in an 'o' shape.

"i'm stupid, i knew that ugh. i always had people over one, because i love all people and like being social, two because they're my friends, but yeah occasionally i'd have sex with someone if that's what you mean. not a lot though. that girl before you came? we weren't going to... you know... do it. she's been my best friend since i can remember. we alternate between being best friends and kind of friends with benefits, but i won't do anything when you're here. i don't want to negatively affect your college experience for stupid reasons." luke rambled, and michael didn't know whether to feel reassured or slightly heartbroken. he had saved himself for his soulmate, and his soulmate was throwing it all away. whatever.

"oh," michael nodded. "i bet the pizzas done thawing by now... i'll, uh, go deal with that."

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