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michael had to admit, although alex may quite possibly be the most beautiful specimen he'd personally laid eyes on, he was no tear-jerker. no you're-the-one guy. michael didn't know why he'd even thought that he would be in the first place.
     maybe that's not even how it works in the first place. maybe love at first sight isn't a thing.

wow. michael started laughing internally. fuck you, society love at first sight is real, it's just not here yet.

     "welcome alex!" mrs. brown smiled to the new student, and the principal nodded before handing alex his schedule and turning to head out the door. "feel free to take the empty seat next to michael. michael, raise your hand."

     michael wasn't listening. he was completely zoned out.

"clifford," ashley (yes frangipane) rapped on his desk with her knuckles, and suddenly michael was sucked back into reality.

   "huh?" he exclaimed, and a few people chuckled.

"raise your hand, dumb ass," ashely rolled her eyes, and michael raised his hand slowly.

   "why am i raising my hand?" michael whispered to ashley, who just shook her head in annoyance.

that was when michael noticed the hot, dark-haired beauty coming to sit in the empty seat to the right of him. holy shit.

   "i'm alex," the hot gu—alex– held out his hand for michael to shake, and michael almost died when he saw the 'o' tattoo on alex's finger. the same as michael's 'x' tattoo. x and o.

    "m-michael," michael gripped his hand in a firm shake as the class resumed it's normal procedures. michael couldn't get himself to release alex's hand as he looked at the x and o tattoos sitting next to each other.

    "what are you looking at?" alex inquired, and michael immediately released alex's hand.

"it's nothing," michael shoved off the topic. "how would you like me to be your personal tour guide for today?"

   alex nodded with an adorable little grin, and michael decided that if all else failed, he wouldn't mind if alex were to be his soulmate.

   michael couldn't wait for english to end so that he could show alex to his classes. he made sure to take a picture of alex's class schedule so that he could easily find him and help him around.

   when the bell rang, michael immediately shot a grin towards alex.

"you're going to fucking love your next class. the teacher doesn't even care about what you do in class, and she'll give you whatever grade you want as long as you don't turn her in. i wish i had math with you, but sadly i have it fifth period instead. good thing we both have first lunch. i can meet you outside of here and take you to your next class if you want, too." michael couldn't stop talking as he led alex down the hallway, and alex just listened intently to michael's words, trying to take it all in. if alex was going to be honest, he only picked up on about half of what michael said because of his confusing accent, but he wouldn't admit that. michael was cute, and he obviously wasn't 100% straight so he was cool in alex's book.

   "see you in 50 minutes," alex patted michael's shoulder as he walked into the classroom. michael sighed. he was going crazy. maybe the stupid tattoo thing was getting to his head. maybe it was just a coincidence.

    michael could barely sit still throughout his whole second class thinking about the whole alex thing now. what if alex was his soulmate and the whole color thing just hadn't hit him yet? would it happen overnight? would he literally have to fall in love with alex before the colors appeared?

   wait, the colors appeared automatically for calum.

michael scratched all his racing thoughts as the bell rang and he rushed to the math class that alex was coming out of.

   michael's breath hitched when he saw that alex was talking to jack. fuck. jack was the perfect bad-boy-sweetheart combination. he had killer looks, and he could do basically everything. well, he wasn't the smartest lad, but other than that he could do anything.

   "hey alex," michael smiled as he walked over to the pair. jack seemed to make himself seem taller when michael walked over (michael was still taller though). "hey jack."

   "hey michael!" alex smiled, and jack just smiled awkwardly from alex's side. "i was thinking that since all three of us have first lunch, maybe we could all eat together? all three of us?"

   michael's heart fell, and his mind lowkey shut down. he just wanted to spend time with alex, not just to hang out with him to be a third wheel.

   "oh, uh, alex it's okay. you can eat lunch with michael today. my other friends and i are gonna skip lunch and the classes after," jack rubbed the back of his neck before waving a goodbye to alex, and nodding to michael.

   michael thought that he had noticed something, but then he wished that it was just his imagination. he knew it couldn't have been though.

   jack had almost the exact same 'x' tattoo as michael.

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