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  "michael," michael groaned, pulling his pillow over his head to muffle out the sounds of some random person yelling his name outside his door. he didn't want to hear it. he didn't want to speak with anyone. he just wanted to hide inside his dorm until ohio state kicked him out so he had a reason to leave america and restart his life somewhere else. most likely australia.

    michael tried to zone out the sound of someone rapping with their fist on his door. he tried to pretend like he wasn't running out of food locked up in his dorm room all the time. he tried to pretend like it wasn't haunting his every moment that some cruel soul actually had the audacity to film him in his most vulnerable state and post it to the internet despite thinking about how if affected him and his life. no one ever thought about his feelings. no one ever wondered how it'd make him feel.

    "michael, i've been out here for three fucking hours. talk to me," the guy yelled loud enough to be heard despite the muffling the pillow provided. "your neighbors are about five minutes away from stabbing me in the chest 32 times."

    "me as well," michael yelled out, his voice croaking at it's first job in the past week.

"et tu, brute?" the voice yelled back, and michael almost laughed. almost. he was too strong to laugh at caesar jokes. "dude, open the door. you don't even need to talk to me, i just wanna talk to you."

   michael pulled the pillow off from over his head, sitting up straight in his bed. he glanced around his room, observing the mess he'd created over the last few days. he felt humiliated at the sights of empty bags of potato chips, crumpled beer cans, and half eaten pizza boxes littering the dirt stained carpets. he didn't even want to imagine what he smelled like to anyone other than himself, as he was numb to the odor by now.

    you'd think it was the end of the world with the condition he was in, dark circles under his eyes like a raccoon, his scruff now on the borderline of becoming a beard. he hadn't changed clothes since he'd thrown on a well worn pair of sweatpants and a jacket luke had left behind at the dorm before he left, lost underneath the bed, when he got back to his dorm after visiting louis.

    he stood up slowly from his messy bed, curling his toes into the carpet for a moment, getting used to the dirt taking residence between his toes before heading over to the door to open it.

    he was beyond overjoyed by the face he saw on the other side.

"jack, holy shit!" michael yelled, feeling his face heat up with happiness, pulling the tall lad into a tight hug, holding onto him as if his life depended on whether or not his best friend was actually there.

   jack just held on tightly to michael, knowing that the boy had been through a lot within the past month. "and i thought you wouldn't miss me when you reached the dream land," jack tsked.

  michael just let out a laugh, along with a single tear, raising one of his arms to wipe his now running nose on his sleeve.

   "jack, you're such a fucking dickhead. why didn't you tell me you were coming?"

"i texted you, but i guess you didn't get it." jack rolled his eyes, and michael suddenly remembered that he'd been on do not disturb for a week. "but i'm here now, and that's all that matters. i dunno about you, but i think we should talk about that season finale of the walking dead because holy fuck, i swear to god i will personally destroy negan if he came anywhere near close to beating up my main man abraham."

   michael laughed at jack's mini rant. "i think he killed glenn, sorry not sorry."

"fuck no, they already tried playing that card. i think he should kill eugene."

   "i think he should kill nobody, but that's just my opinion," michael rolled his eyes, personally connecting to eugene on a spiritual level, and jack just smirked.

   "whatever you say," he began walking into michael's dorm, not even bothering to ask first. michael didn't mind, he just hoped that jack wouldn't mind the monumental mess. "damn, dude, you really know how to throw a party by yourself. i would've brought fresh pizza if i had known you had none. i would suggest we go out for pizza, bu—"

   "i've actually dared myself to not leave this room until i get kicked out of college and have a good reason to leave this hellhole," michael shrugged, feigning a cringe. "so sorry 'bout that."

   "michael, you mean to tell me you literally haven't left this tiny room within the past forty eight hours?"

   "actually, its been one hundred and sixty eight hours, but you know." michael shrugged again, and jack's jaw literally dropped.

   "michael, you gotta get that vitamin d or whatever." jack yelled, scolding the already pale boy.

"there's only one kind of vitamin d i wan—"

   "that's enough out of you for today! michael, you aren't getting kicked out of college. if you don't go to your next class, i'm telling your mom that you came on her bed to a picture of frank dillane." jack folded his arms, quirking his eyebrow in a way that made michael laugh. actually laugh.

   "you sure that wasn't you?"

"dammit, maybe it was," jack shook his head in a faux disappointment. "stop fucking exposing me, michael, goddammit."

   "i'd apologize, but i consider it a gift," michael pretended to flip his hair, causing jack to snort.

"if you're gonna refuse to leave your dorm room, can we at least watch netflix or something?" jack rolled his eyes, and that's when michael realized that luke was a fucking idiot and left all his video consuls underneath the television.

   "i have a better idea— super smash bros?" michael suggested, picking up the remote control.

"i thought you'd never ask," jack smiled giddily, grabbing the controller from michael's hand, laying down next to him on their stomachs, playing super smash bros until michael completely forgot about how sad he'd been earlier.

    michael forgot how much he missed his best friend.

thoughts & feedback?

writing jack and michael together is my favorite thing ever.

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