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"are we even allowed to get a christmas tree?" michael asked as he and luke got into the car, on their way to a small christmas tree farm.

"do you think i listen to the rules?" luke chuckled, buckling in his seat belt. ever since that night in the starbucks, michael had become even more enthralled with the christmas season, as he saw red lights all around.

"are we gonna get a star too? and ornaments?" michael asked excitedly, causing luke to smile.

"whatever you want, babe, as long as you're happy." luke spoke, causing michael's heart to flutter. the drive to the christmas tree farm was a nice trip for the two, listening to the christmas station the whole way there.

"luke, you have to sing along!" michael pleaded as frosty the snowman came on the radio, causing luke to try and suppress a smile. michael thought it was so cute when luke tried to put on the whole bad boy act, because he knew what a softy luke actually was. "what's that? is that a smile i see? is lucas smiling?"

michael watched as luke once again tried to hold back his smile, only encouraging michael further. michael decided that he should start singing as obnoxiously as possible. "frooooooosty the snowmaaaannnn was a jolly happy soulllllll."

luke couldn't hold back his smile at that, chuckling as michael continued to sing off-key. "you're positively mad in the most delightful way."

"why aren't you singing? it's fucking frosty the snowman and somehow you aren't singing! am i gonna have to start calling you scrooge, mister?"

"bah fucking humbug." luke joked, causing michael to groan before singing even louder.

"thumpity thump thump thumpity thump thump; look at frosty—"


"you're so gross," michael wrinkled his nose at luke, and luke just laughed loudly before turning into the christmas tree farm.

"you love me though," he smiled. "pick out the best tree, darling, and we'll get it."
the two boys wandered around, michael in awe at the evergreens. michael loved christmas, personally believing it was hands-down the best holiday ever. anyone who fought him on this was irrelevant.

thirty minutes into the hunt, luke tapped on michael's shoulder lightly. michael had been analyzing a tall, full branched tree for a solid five minutes. michael thought it was perfect, but there was no way that the twelve foot tall tree was going to fit in their dorm room with only nine foot tall ceilings. michael turned around to face luke, who was holding out a candy cane. a candy cane that michael could now see was striped white and red.

"you like this one?" luke inquired, sizing up the tree. he watched as michael frowned, and placed his hand on the frowning boy's cheek. "what's wrong, michael?"

"this one's perfect, but there's no way it's fitting in our dorm room." michael remarked, taking a lick at the peppermint candy he'd been handed.

luke sighed, noting that the tree definitely was a solid three and a half feet too tall to realistically fit in their dorm room. "it's okay, babe, we'll keep looking."

luke intertwined his fingers with michael's, leading him in the direction of some of the shorter trees. the boys both agreed that the tree couldn't be shorter than either of them, but that it couldn't be taller than eight feet, generally, so they could still put a star on top.

"this one's not too bad," michael pointed at another tree, this one being around eight feet, but luke just shook his head.

"it's already got some brown branches," he remarked, remembering that michael couldn't see the green in the tree's branches, or the copper shade of the dying bristles.

"what about that one?" michael pointed at a tree that was around seven and a half feet tall, a few yards from the dying tree. luke removed his hand from michael's, walking a full circle around the tree.

"i think it's perfect. it's got no brown patches, and it's full throughout. it's up to you, though." luke walked back over to michael slowly. "would this tree make you happy?"

michael paused, looking the tree up and down before nodding with a small smile. "i think it's perfect."

michael leaned closer to luke, kissing his lips lightly before lacing his fingers with luke's again. he thought luke made the cold weather look beautiful in his black leather and skinny jeans. michael adored the fact that he could now observe the faint flush that painted luke's cheeks and nose in the cold, along with his rosy red lips, making him look even more kissable.

luke then proceeded to call over a worker, who then had them pay for the tree, and helped strap it to their car. the two boys thanked the man before getting back into the car, michael cranking up the christmas station once again.

they were halfway through white christmas when they pulled into the parking lot of a target. the two exited the car, and grabbed a shopping cart before heading over to the christmas aisle.

luke watched in delight as michael threw boxes of lights and random ornaments into the cart. he loved how michael didn't go for the boring ones, but rather tossing a pikachu ornament into the cart along with a walking dead ornament and a rudolph one. they picked out a red tree skirt in honor of the fact that michael could now see red, and a beautiful silver star to put on top of the tree. michael also made sure to grab some wrapping paper, scissors, boxes, ribbons, and tape so that gift wrapping could actually be possible.

they were about to head to the check out when michael called out to luke, telling him to wait a second.

michael ran off, leaving luke wondering what they could've possibly forgotten when they had literally grabbed half of the christmas knick knacks in the store, but couldn't contain the smile on his face when michael returned.

"i thought this would be festive enough." michael smiled, revealing the red hair dye from behind his back.

and luke couldn't wait to see how hot his soulmate would look with red hair.

thoughts & feedback ?

i need to sleep om id type more but im dying gn

p.s. hug me and love me and call me trash

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