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that dinner was spent table divided. arzalea was talking with luke, and michael was talking with everyone else. not how michael wanted to spend his christmas. ideally, his christmas would be spent just luke and himself curled up in their bed with the tv on watching all of michael's favorite christmas movies, not necessarily him seeing vibrant green shades around as he watched arzalea flirt with luke while they ate.

michael didn't understand. one moment he and luke are perfectly fine, acting all couply and shit, and the next he's staring her down silently as he's being pursued. yeah, he and luke weren't "official", but they were basically official. they were soulmates. the kissed. they held hands. they both loved each other. so why the bloody hell did luke decide to let this girl step between them?

these were the thoughts that encompassed michael's mind that christmas dinner. not about how he should call his family and wish them a merry christmas, not about his friends who flew thousands of miles to visit him, but about his fucking soulmate.

"you're gonna break that glass if you don't simmer down," calum whispered to michael as michael clenched on tightly to his glass of water.

"i can't help it. it's like he's testing me," michael spoke through clenched teeth. "today was supposed to be perfect."

"and you can fix it, as soon as she leaves," calum reminded him, nudging his shoulder lightly. michael bit his lip softly, trying to keep his chin from shaking with tears. he did not want to fuking cry. luke was the only person who seemed to make him cry now.

"hey," jack nudged michael's foot underneath the table. "you're a badass motherfucker. don't let that twink and the little latuca take that away from you?"


"don't ask." jack chuckled, folding his arms.

"is anyone gonna finish that slice of cheesecake?" louis asked, raising an eyebrow at the nearly untouched slice of turtle cheesecake.

"i would, but she-who-must-not-be-named contaminated it," jack sighed, eyeing with disappointment the glorious slice of heaven.

"you're such a drama queen," alex rolled his eyes at jack. "find your chill."

"my philosophy: anyone who's a bitch to michael is someone who deserves to be targeted." jack laughed, "mikey is the epitome of lovableness."

"thanks man," michael placed his hands over his heart in mock gratitude.

"yeah, yeah, yeah. no homo, man," jack joked.

"very homo," michael shot back teasingly.

"only for you."

"you two confuse me," alex laughed, running his hand through his hair casually. "you act like an old married couple."

"that's because we are," michael rolled his eyes as if it were obvious. he felt eyes staring into his soul, and he knew those rays belonged to the blue-eyed boy, which just caused michael to avoid giving him a reaction.

"we should have a double wedding," ashton suggested loudly, causing jack and michael to laugh in reaction, calum to shake his head at them, and alex to smile awkwardly.

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