Day Thirty Nine

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"B!" I said knocking on his door. Jaxon was the heaviest sleeper I have ever met. "B!" I yelled finally giving in to opening his door. I jumped on his bed and he groaned. "Do you want anything?" He asked finally opening his eyes to meet mine. "Well, you said I should visit my grandparents today so I'm here to say that we're going to visit them today. I made breakfast." I said and he smiled. "The breakfast part sounds amazing but I'm also glad you're going to meet up with your grandparents." He said getting up from bed. "This needs some getting used to." I said looking at the shirtless boy in front of me. "What?" He asked confused. "Well, first of all you're not the little boy or scrawny boy you were when we were younger." I said and he looked down at his body laughing. "Are you checking me out B?" He asked and we both laughed. "Shut up." I said leaving his room and into mine.

I quickly showered and dressed in a over sized white sweater and some black leggings. I put on a pair of brown knee high boots. I put on some makeup and headed downstairs to the kitchen. I found Jaxon dressed and eating breakfast. "You look beautiful." He said and I smiled. "Are you going to tell me every day?" I asked and he laughed. "Of course because it's true." He said as he continued to eat breakfast. I waited for him to finish breakfast and brush his teeth.

"Did you tell your grandparents that you were coming?" Jaxon asked. "Nope. I wanted to surprise them." I said as we drove in their drive way. We got out of the car and I knocked on the door. Within a couple of minutes someone opened the door. "Sweetie!" My grandmother yelled hugging me. "Who is it?" My grandfather asked coming into view. "Morgan!" He said hugging me as well. "You didn't say you were coming to visit." He said and I laughed. "It was unexpected trip and I wanted to surprise you." I said and they both laughed. "Jaxon! You're finally home from deployment." Grandmother said as she saw him behind me. They hugged and Jaxon shook my grandfather's hand. "So you two are back together? I knew you would always end up with this young fine man." Grandmother said and I laughed. "No, we're just friends. I'm living with him for a month until I have to go back to Los Angeles for work." I explained and they nodded not asking further questions.

"Did you guys want to have dinner with us later?" I asked. "Of course. I'll reserve us dinner at the usual." Grandmother said and I nodded smiling at her. "Okay, we'll meet you there." I said and they both hugged me and Jaxon goodbye.

"What do you want to do now?" Jaxon asked as we both got in the car. "Movies and ice cream like the old times?" I asked and he laughed. "Of course." He said as we drove to his house again. "You can grab the ice cream and I can put in the movie." He said and I nodded going to the kitchen to grab us some ice cream. I grabbed a tub of ice cream and two spoons. I walked back in the living room to see Jaxon sitting on the couch with some blankets. "What are we watching?" I asked. "We're watching White Chicks." He said and I laughed. "We always loved watching that movie." I said giving him a smile. "I don't know how many times we have watched that movie already." He joked and I agreed.

We finished the movie and I looked to see Jaxon was looking at me. "What are you staring at?" I asked. "I just can't believe you're here right now." He said . "I know it's been a couple of years." I said. "I wanted to apologize." He said and I looked at him. "What for?" I asked. "For leaving. I know I hurt you when I left." He said. "B, I understand now. We were younger back then and I made you my whole life. So when you left I was so lost but after a couple of months I realized that I should just be happy for you because that's what you wanted to do and I can't ever take that away from you." I explained. "I hated leaving you but honestly I left to give us a future but I guess that didn't work out." He said with a small laugh and I frowned. "Don't tell me you haven't found at least one girlfriend after me." I teased. "Nope." He said. "I was waiting for you to come back." He said and I smiled. "Well, I don't know if I'm ready but I'm back as your best friend." I admitted. "I know and I understand. I'm patiently here." He said giving my hand a kiss.

"We should go get dressed for dinner." Jaxon said and I agreed. We both went upstairs to our own rooms to change. I put on a burgundy long sleeve dress and tights. I finished the outfit with one of my beige coats, a burgundy scarf, and black over the knee boots. I grabbed my small black purse along with my phone and headed downstairs. "Once again beautiful." He said smiling. "Thank you. You don't look so bad yourself." I said looking at his outfit. He was wearing an olive green shirt with a leather jacket over it and black skinny jeans along with black boots. "Well, I have to look at least half as good as the person I'm with right now." He joked and I laughed. "Whatever." I said as we both got out of the house and back into his car.

"We've been expecting you Ms. Thorne." The staff said and we were escorted to our seats. Jaxon pulled out my seat for me and he sat beside me. Within a couple of minutes my grandparents arrived. We hugged them and we all sat back down and ordered our food.

"So how was deployment, Jaxon?" Grandfather asked. Jaxon was always his favorite because he's a retired marine. They understood each other in a way I guess. "It was okay. I lived day by day and just did my job, but I'm so glad to be home." He said briefly. "We're glad you made it home safely son." Grandfather said. "How else are we going to see our great grand children." Grandmother joked and we all laughed. "That would be a long time form now Grandmother. Still working to have a future." I said and she laughed. "The famous Morgan Thorne?" She asked. "I'm not famous. I'm just hard working." I said. "It runs in the family." Grandfather said. The food came and we started eating.

"Are your parents going to visit while you're here?" Grandfather asked. "I think so. Why don't we have a family reunion?" I asked. "That sounds great." Grandmother agreed. "I'll plan everything." I offered and they both agreed. "You have to be there Jaxon." Grandmother said. "No, it's a family reunion." Jaxon said. "Don't be silly son. You're family." Grandfather said smiling at hime. "Besides you'll end up marrying our Morgan anyway." Grandmother said and we looked at each other. He looked at me and I looked away in embarrassment. He held my and squeezed it signing that it was okay. "If you guys insist I promise I'll be there." Jaxon said and my grandparents cheered.

After eating we asked the waiter to take a picture of us so I can post it on Instagram. Jaxon and I said goodbye to my Grandparents and parted ways from them. We got in his car and he drove home. "Did you have a good time?" I asked. "Of course. I love your grandparents." He said and I laughed. "Sorry if they're a bit pushy and love to bring up the whole relationship future thing." I said and he laughed. "It's no problem. I like how they picture you with me. Gives me hope." He said softly. I smiled and remained quiet throughout the whole ride home. Once we were home we said goodnight and went in our bedrooms.

(Attach Photo: Morgan with her grandparents and Jaxon eating at a restaurant)

Day 39: Never realized how much I missed spending time with these important people who live far away from me. Much appreciated time with my grandparents and B. Love and missed you guys! <3 #100DaysChallenge

TrulyMorganT: Taken yesterday. His personality hasn't changed one bit. Thanks B for the sign and flowers. :) (Attach Photo: Jaxon holding up the welcome home sign with flowers)

TrulyMorganT: Hi guys. Haven't been on this for a couple of days. Hello again!

TrulyMorganT: I love you guys no matter what and I'm sorry I haven't had the chance to explain a lot of things. I'll tell you guys when I'm ready.

TrulyMorganT: Let me live my life I'm sure I deserve it.

TrulyMorganT: Had dinner with my grandparents and the B. Love spending time with them <3

From B: Goodnight beautiful. Just remember that I'm here for you waiting. I'll give you all the time you need. I promise to be patient with you. Anyways, goodnight. I'll see you in the morning. Love you B.

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