Day Eighty Six

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 "Good morning." Luke said as I opened my eyes. "Morning to you too." I said. "Hey, I woke up and checked my phone. Jaxon DMed me asking if we could talk on the phone." He said and I looked at him confused. "You don't have to do that Luke. This is between me and Jaxon." I said and he shook his head. "I want to. He needs to hear my side since I'm a part of all this." He argued and I sighed giving in. I already knew Luke wouldn't let this go so I just nodded.

I unblocked Jaxon's number and handed my phone to Luke. He dialed it and within a couple of seconds I hear a voice. I respected Luke enough to not ask to put it on speaker phone so I could only hear his side of the conversation not Jaxon's. "Hey." Luke said. "I know your upset. I'm sorry it had to end this way. We had no intention of hurting you." Luke said. "You know damn well she's not like that. There's no one to blame. You had amnesia and we both just fought for your relationship but I never thought she would return the feelings I still had for her." He said. "She's with me now. She doesn't want to go back so we would appreciate it if you stop calling her or trying to get in contact with her." He said hanging up the phone. He blocked Jaxon's number once again and sat on the bed. I found myself sitting on his lap and he hugged me.

"Is that the end of that?" I asked him as he cuddled me. "I would like to think so but there's a big part of me saying that he's not going to stop there." Luke said and I sighed. "As long as you're with me I'm happy." I said making him smile. "There's no where else I'd rather be." He said making me giggle. "Go shower princess." He instructed and I nodded. I showered quickly and changed into a white lace top and matched it with a light washed denim overall shorts. I got out of the bathroom and put on some white hightop converse and did my makeup and hair while Luke went in the bathroom to shower himself.

I walked out of our room again to see Ashton sitting on the couch with Michael. "Hi boys." I said and they all said hi back. "So how is the Jaxon situation?" Ash asked. "Well, we talked yesterday didn't end well. He talked to Luke today and it didn't end well either." I informed them. "He needs time. It's a heartbreak." Michael stated and we all agreed. "I just feel bad. Like it's all my fault. It's my fault that Jaxon is hurting and it's my fault that Luke is being dragged into this nonsense drama." I said sadly. "Luke knew what he was getting into when he started hanging out with you while Jaxon was unwell. So that's not your fault. He wants to be with you and he's willing to do whatever it takes. He is Luke Hemmings after all." Ashton said and I kind of smiled at the end. "And with Jaxon it wasn't your fault that he had amnesia. It wasn't your fault that the pain was hard to bare and that you fell back in love with your ex boyfriend. That's out of your control. You're pretty strong to be honest. You had the courage to be upfront about your feelings towards Luke and didn't lead Jaxon on because of pity." Michael said and I just nodded in agreement. "Thanks guys." I said hugging both of them and they hugged back. "We need a picture." I said and they both nodded. Luke came out of his room and was happy to take the picture.

(Attach Photo: Morgan in between Michael and Ashton and her arms are wrapped around their shoulders.)

Day 86: SIX days until my launch! Get excited! I barely get to brag about these two amazing guys right here. To these two amazing friends I have thank you so much for all the support and love you give me. You guys are like my older brothers and I'm so happy to have you both in my life. Thank you for always looking out for me and being my shoulder to cry on. I love you both <3 #100DaysChallenge

We all piled out of the van and walked into the venue. I honestly don't know how these boys do this for months. Once we were in the dressing room the boys had a couple of minutes to kill before soundcheck. "I hate that I won't be there for your launch." Luke said sadly. "Non sense. Spending this time with you is enough for me. I already know you're my number one fan." I said and he chuckled. "Of course I am." He said giving me a quick kiss.

The boys were now on stage. Meghan and I were backstage listening.

"Hi everyone before I start this song I just want to do a quick shout out to thank everyone who tweeted Morgan yesterday. She's been having a tough couple of days and you guys never fail to make her at least smile so thank you. This goes out to her."

Luke: She sits at home with the lights out. Seeing like in different colors. I think it's time that we wake up. So let me take you away. Calum: We can run down the street Michael: with the starts in our eyes. Calum: We can tear down this town Luke: in the dark of the night. Calum: Just open the door Michael: we've got time on our side. All: We can make it out alive. Hey we're taking on the world. I'll take you where you wanna go. Pick you up if you fall to pieces. Let me be the one to save you. Break the plans we had before. Let's be unpredictable. Pick you up if you fall to pieces. Let me be the one to save you. Luke: It took so long to convince you. I knew I had to show my colors. You never wanted to be rescued but now we're drifting away. Calum: We can run down the street Michael: with the stars in our eyes. Calum: We can tear down this town Luke: in the dark of the night. Calum: Just open the door Michael: we've got time on our side. All: We can make it our alive. Hey we're taking on the world. I'll take you where you wanna go. Pick you up if you fall to pieces. Let me be the one to save you. Break the plans we had before. Let's be unpredictable. Pick you up if you fall to pieces let me be the one to save you. Calum: Earthquakes won't wait for another day. Don't say I know I never said it. I never said it, oh. One day we can make it out alive. All: Hey we're taking on the world. I'll take you where you wanna go. Pick you up if you fall to pieces. Let me be the one to save you. Break the plans we had before. Let's be unpredictable. Pick you up if you fall to pieces let me be the one to save you. So let go! Till we've lost control and we'll stumble through it all. Let's go something new and unpredictable.

The show was done and I could see the boys were exhausted. I mean three nights straight of concerts. I would probably be dead. I walked hand in hand with Luke as we got in the van. We were all on our phones probably tweeting.

TrulyMorganT: The love I'm getting from everyone is so sweet thank you guys for taking time out to leave sweet words on my Twitter.

I checked my DMs.

From Jaxon: Can we please talk when you come back to L.A.? I'll fly out to see you. I just need to at least try. We need to end things face to face if it's really not possible to work things out. Just hear me out please...

I sighed and showed Luke my Twitter. He grabbed my phone angrily and typed.

To Jaxon: Hey man this is Luke. We already talked about you staying away right? She doesn't want to fix things. You guys are done. Just stop bothering her.

Luke blocked Jaxon on my Twitter. "I'm sorry I'm getting really tired of the Jaxon drama." He said honestly. "It's okay Luke. I don't expect you to deal with this lightly." I said and he just nodded his head. I held his hand and played with it. Once we got to the hotel everyone said goodnight and went to their rooms.

I grabbed one of Luke's shirts and wore it to bed. "You really do look better in my clothes." He complimented making me blush. "Stop checking me out Luke." I said and he laughed. "Sorry but that's not possible." He said staring at me. "Luke!" I said slapping his arm playfully as he checked out my bare legs. "Just to remind you we are still not together." I said making him smirk. "Yet." He mumbled and I looked at him confused. "Goodnight princess." He said giving me a kiss on the lips. "I'll cuddle you after I shower." He said and I nodded closing my eyes.

I was still awake when Luke came out of the shower and cuddled me but I just kept my eyes closed. "I love you so much Morgan Thorne." He said wrapping his arm around my body making me smile. "And I love you so much too Luke Hemmings." I said and he smiled. We both closed our eyes and let sleep kick in.

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