Day Seventy Five

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"Good morning Brenda. Morning Brianna." I greeted them as I walked in the office. "Good morning love." Brianna said hugging me. "Ready to work?" Brenda asked and I nodded eagerly. I needed this to take my mind off things. I sat on my desk and started sketching designs. I was non stop brainstorming for two hours when I heard someone come in my office.

"Excuse me. Can I pull you out of work for a quick lunch?" Someone asked and I looked up to see Luke and I smiled. "Well, you're excused." I joked and he laughed. "Let me just tell my boss that I'll be leaving for lunch." I said and he nodded waiting. I walked to Brenda and Brianna's office and informed them I'm out for lunch which they just smiled and nodded. I walked towards where Luke was waiting and grabbed my bag. "Shall we?" I asked. "We shall." He said letting me out the door first.

"So what made you take me out to lunch today?" I asked while he pulled out my chair. I sat down and thanked him. "I had nothing to do and I wanted to hang out with one of my best friends." He said smiling and I laughed. "Really Luke? Tell me the real reason." I said and he sighed. "The hate last night was extreme and I just wanted to check up on you." He admitted and I smiled lightly. "At first it bothered me but it's my life and they can't really make judgements because they don't know me nor the situation we're both in." I said and he agreed. "I'm glad you see it that way." He said and I nodded.

"How's work doing?" He asked. "Been getting a lot of ideas lately so it's been good. Thanks for giving me a break though." I said and he smiled. "Anytime." He answered. "Hows the music?" I asked. "It's good. We've been writing while being on break so that's always a good thing." He said and I nodded. "You guys are really going to take over the world city by city." I said and he laughed. "Like you haven't made a name for yourself. You design and model clothes what else can you not do?" He joked. "Making a plant grow." I joked making him laugh. "Neither can I." He said.

We finished up eating and Luke dropped me back to my office. "Thanks for taking me out to lunch." I said. "Anytime, just call me." He said and I nodded. Once he was out of the door I sat on my chair and went through my designs checking them before I give them to Brenda and Brianna. I walked to their office and put down my sketch book for them to look through. "So Luke Hemmings was the lunch date?" Brenda asked making Brianna smirk. "Yeah, he surprised me earlier by coming by and asking me to lunch." I answered truthfully. "Friendly lunch?" Brianna asked and I nodded.

I finally got home and Meghan wasn't there yet so I decided to grab some dinner downstairs and head up to my room for the night. After eating my dinner I decided to check my Twitter and soon enough I saw articles about me getting hate and harassed on Twitter and every social media I have. I sighed and clicked on the link.

Morgan Thorne Getting Hate On Social Media

We all have followed the love story of the model/fashion icon, Morgan Thorne. She was previously dating the singer of the band 5 Seconds of Summer, Luke Hemmings. Now she is dating a Marine. Everyone was shocked when news broke out that after one day of being deployed the model's boyfriend got into a terrible accident. Sure enough Thorne hopped on a flight to Chicago to see her boyfriend. She was very open about the accident and updated her fans saying 'please pray for Jaxon'. A day after she headed back to Los Angeles with her friends Cameron Dallas and Meghan Rienks. She posted on her daily challenge on Instagram saying,

'I'm pretty blessed to have best friends like these two. I don't know what I would have done without them by my side through this rough time. I should update you that Jaxon is awake but there are certain things that we really want to keep to ourselves. It's a tough time for all of us so please respect that we're not ready to publicize everything that's going on. Love you guys so much! Thank you all for your support!'

So what do you think happened to Jaxon?

While being back in Los Angeles everyone was shocked when she was spotted yesterday at the 5 Seconds of Summer concert. Inside source says, "Hemmings was there for the model. He was with her when the news broke about Jaxon getting into an accident. He also took her to the airport that very same day so she could catch a flight to Chicago. No matter the situation Luke drops everything to be there for his friends and that includes Morgan. Even though they were in a relationship in the past Hemmings does not make that an excuse but still genuinely cares for the model. He has been spending a lot of time with her to comfort her at the time of her need." Morgan and Luke also exchanged tweets about each other. Luke tweeted a photo of the two backstage at his concert saying, 'I actually got a picture with the famous @TrulyMorganT' and she replied with '@Luke5SOS shut up Luke. You're the famous one. Thanks for the invite again.'

After a couple of minutes the model tweeted out, 'Let me live my life the way I want' and Luke tweeted, 'We're good friends and it's not our problem that you're not okay with that.' They were both talking about getting hate on Social Media about being good friends after Jaxon's accident. Fans thought it was sketchy and very rude and disrespectful for Morgan to hang out with her ex boyfriend while her current boyfriend was in the hospital.

What do you guys think?

People need to get a grip. Sure Jaxon was still in the hospital and I know I shouldn't be jumping into someone else's arms especially Luke because we have history but that's not even my intention. Luke was there for me and through it all he was my rock. He always had that affect on me that calms me down even through the hardest of times. I love Jaxon that will never change. I loved Luke and I still love and care for him as a friend, that will never go away. I grabbed my phone and scrolled through Luke and I's funny selfies earlier at lunch. I picked one and posted it on Instagram.

(Attach Photo: Morgan and Luke at lunch making funny faces.)

Day 75: No matter what other people say It's my choice to still have Luke in my life no matter what happened to us throughout our relationship. Our relationship and friendship is our business and we don't need anyones acceptance to hang out or be friends. Luke has been one of the people that has helped me through this time and I appreciate his efforts and our friendship. If you guys can't accept than that's fine but please stop sending us hate. Do something else with your life for a change. To those who still support me and still see me as me and not listen to what other people say negatively about me thank you. I love you and I'm glad you guys are still there. <3 #100DaysChallenge

I went back on Twitter and tweeted.

TrulyMorganT: To those asking about Jaxon I am still not updated but I will keep you guys posted!

TrulyMorganT: If you guys are mad or angered about me hanging out with someone then that's your deal.

TrulyMorganT: But to those who still love and support me, thank you so much. I love each and every one of you! This is all for you!

TrulyMorganT: Thank you for taking me out to lunch @Luke5SOS :)

Luke5SOS: @TrulyMorganT of course! I'm just a text away :)

Luke5SOS: I will always care for her and you don't approve I'm sorry. I still care for her. None of your negative opinions matter.

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