Day Seventy Nine

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My phone started to ring and I checked to see it was Jaxon. I groaned but answered anyway. Might as well deal with it now. "Hello?" I asked. "Sorry if I woke you." He said. "It's fine. Why did you call?" I asked. "I wanted to talk about what happened yesterday." He said. "Okay." I said waiting for him to continue. "I don't really know what to say. I mean she's an ex girlfriend I had while I was deployed." He said. "I'm sorry that at the moment I remember my feelings for her not my feeling for you." He added which hurt a little bit. "I'm trying to understand Jaxon. It hurts but to be honest I just want to forget it." I said harshly. "Even our friendship?" He asked hurt. "Well, you probably remember not talking to me for a long time so why don't we just go back to that?" I said making my point. "I'm sorry B." He said. "Jaxon, save it. We're okay being strangers. Look, I got to go. Have a nice life." I said hanging up before he could say a word. I didn't even tear. I was just quiet.

I couldn't go back to sleep so I decided to go in the kitchen and find myself something to eat. Once I walked out there were coffee and food on the table. I grabbed a coffee and a bagel with cream cheese and sat down on the couch. I took my phone out and went through twitter until someone sat next to me taking a bite of my bagel. Luke and I laughed at his childish behavior. "What are you doing up so early?" He asked. "Jax called." I said and his face turned serious. "What for?" He asked. "Basically telling me that at the moment he has feelings for the girl we saw him with and not me." I said and he sighed. "So it's over?" He asked and I nodded taking another bite of my bagel. "Maybe that's for the best." He said lowly. He took another bite of my bagel and I laughed. "Why don't you get your own Hemmings." I playfully said but like the child he is he stuck his tongue out at me making me laugh.

My phone started to ring again and this time it was Tori and I put in on speaker phone. "Hello?" I answered. "Hi my beautiful sunshine." She said making me laugh. "What do you need Tori?" I asked. "I just wanted to greet you a happy morning." She said. "No really what is it?" I asked laughing. "Well, we were wondering if you would do an interview today..." She said. "About what and why is it so last minute?" I asked. "Things are getting really heated about the Jaxon news and people want answers. I'm sorry. I think you should just set this straight." She said and Luke looked at me with concern. "Okay, I'll be there on one condition." I said. "What is it?" She asked. "Can I bring Meghan and the 5SOS boys for support?" I asked. "Of course. You might want to talk to Luke about what questions might come up in your interview about him." She added. "Okay, message me the details and we'll see you there." I said and we said our goodbyes.

"Are you sure I'm not getting in the way of anything you're supposed to be doing today?" I asked Luke as we were in his room and he was changing. "We're sure. We all want to support you." He said putting on a flannel. "Okay." I said. "Let's go you and Meghan need to get ready as well." He said and I nodded. We all got out of the hotel and piled in the van we were taking to our house.

I put on a simple white dress and black pumps after showering and cleaning myself up. We hurried out of the house and to the studio. Once we were in the studio Meghan and the boys except Luke got in their seats. Luke stayed in the dressing room with me to keep me company while they were doing my makeup and my hair. "So if they ask any questions about you what do I say?" I asked and he shifted in his seat. "We're friends. I mean we are friends." He stated. "Yeah." I said lowly. "Hey princess. You know my tweet is true. It's just you need time." He said and I nodded agreeing. "I'll always be here for you though." He said kissing the top of my head. I was cued that we would be on in five so Luke gave me one last hug and left to join the others.

"Good evening everyone! I am here with a special guest tonight. So please welcome Morgan Thorne!" Spencer said queuing me to go out on stage which I did. I walked out and gave Spencer a hug. "Thank you so much for coming on such short notice." She said. "No problem. Thanks for having me. I'm happy to be here." I said and we both sat down.

"We all know that the spotlight has been on you lately ever since the terrible accident that happened with your boyfriend Jaxon. So let's start with him. How is his condition now?" She asked. "Well, physically he's gaining all his strength back and recovering from the injuries." I stated. "Mentally, he has a bit of a problem. He doesn't remember the past few months which means he doesn't remember me as his girlfriend but as his old best friend." I said and everyone was shocked. "That must be so hard on your relationship. I'm sorry to hear that." She said. "Well, as of yesterday we are no longer together. I tried to give him space and be patient but it just didn't work out and he's happier now not being obligated to remember a relationship." I explained and everyone again was shocked. "So you're saying you are single?" She asked and I nodded. "Did Luke Hemmings, your ex boyfriend, have a part in the breakup?" She asked. "No. Jaxon is dating his past girlfriend again and I respect that. Luke and I are friends and that's all to it." I said and she nodded.

"With Jaxon out of the way do you think Luke will have another chance to be your boyfriend again?" She asked. "For right now all I want to focus on is work and myself. I love having Luke back in my life but we both know that right now won't be the right time to restart our romantic relationship. He supports me and understands me which makes me happy." I said. "How are you feeling about the breakup?" She asked. "Not so bad. I mean it hurts a lot but I'm just relieved that I don't have to fight for something that only I am clearly fighting for." I said and she agreed.

The interview ended and we were all now in the boys' hotel having a movie marathon once again. "You guys must be getting sick of us." I said and they laughed. "Nope. It's better that you girls are here. Luke and Calum won't shut up about you two when you're not around." Michael joked making us all laugh. Calum walked to the kitchen and I followed him. "So Hood." I said and he looked back at me glaring. "Thorne." He said and I sat on the counter. "What are your intentions?" I asked and he laughed. "Well, Meghan is a nice girl. I just really want to know her better." He said and I smiled. "I love the idea of my two best friends dating." I told him. "We're friends Morgs. Don't get your hopes up. She just ended a relationship." He said and I nodded. "Same." I stated making him chuckle. "Luke will wait for you. Everyone knows that so you have all the time in the world." He said and I just remained quiet.

I walked out to see that Luke was sitting on a couch by himself. Once he spotted that I was looking at him he patted the space next to him and I sat down. He snaked his arm around my waist making me smile. "What did Calum tell you?" He asked nervously. "That you will wait for me till I'm ready." I said and he smiled. "True." He said simply and we all watched the movie.

(Attach Photo: Morgan with Meghan, Luke, Calum, Michael, and Ashton)

Day 79: Friendship over everything. I love these people so much and I'm so happy that they are in my life. I couldn't ask for better friends. Thank you guys for always having my back and supporting me in everything I do and every decision I make. Thank you for being my shoulder to cry on and being my rock when I'm unsteady. I love you guys so much! <3 #100DaysChallenge

I went on to Twitter to check out my mentions.

Luke5SOS: I will wait for you no matter how long it takes. There's no doubt in my body that I will.

TrulyMorganT: You never fail to amaze me. You are an amazing person. <3

"Can we sleep here?" I asked Luke and checked to see that everyone fell asleep as well in their spot. "Of course we can." Luke said as I cuddled in his body making him smile. "Thank you again Luke. You've been my rock throughout this whole thing." I said sincerely. "I will always be that rock if you need me to be princess." He said kissing my forehead.

Luke5SOS: I'm falling for you you over and over again. 

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