Day Sixty Eight

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I woke up to Jaxon poking my cheek. I opened my eyes to see him smiling at me. "We're landing in an hour." He said and I nodded straightening myself up on the seat. He held my hand and intertwined our fingers. I looked at him and sighed. "I love you." He said over and over whispering in my ear. "I love you too." I said with a tear dripping down my face. He wiped it with his free hand. "Baby, please don't cry." He said softly. "I'll miss you so much." I said and he gave me a kiss on my hand. "I'll miss you too baby. We'll see each other in six months or so." He reminded me and I nodded. "I'll be back." He said and I nodded.

Jaxon got back to his seat wearing his uniform and damn he looks hot. "You look..." I said and he chuckled. "Thanks baby." He said leaning down to kiss my lips. He put his bag away and sat down on his seat. "I wanted to talk to you about something." He said and I looked at him signaling him to continue. "Well, I just wanted to tell you that military life sucks. I'll never be able to settle in one place and I won't know when I'll be gone or for how long." He said and I nodded understanding where he was coming from. "What I'm trying to say is that if you can't handle the lifestyle I'll easily give it up. It will be my last deployment and I'll get out." He said and I shook my head no. "I support you Jax. This is what you want to do. If there comes a time that you do decide to get out do it for yourself. Do it because you want to not because you think I want you to. I love you for you and this is a part of you and I accept that. Sure it's not easy but we'll get through it." I said and he smiled. "I love how understanding you are." He said. "I love how considerate you are and how you try to put my first all the time." I said and he kissed me.

"You are so beautiful." He said kissing the top of my head. "You're handsome." I replied to him. "My friends think you're crazy for going for a guy like me." He said and I looked at him. "What do you mean a guy like you?" I asked. "Well, someone who will not physically be there for you and someone who is not as good looking as celebrities." He said and I laughed. "First of all even if you can't physically be there for me I know you always will be a call away or a text. I understand why. Second, do you know my fans call you Jax the hottie." I said and he laughed. "You are worth waiting for Jax. You treat me like a total queen. I can't ask for more than how you treat me now." I said and he smiled. "You are my queen." He said kissing my lips.

The plane landed and we waited for it to completely stop and parked at the gate. Once it was parked we stood up and grabbed our bags. Jax and I walked hand in hand. "Are you going to your gate?" I asked. "Nope, I'm dropping you at arrival where Meghan is waiting to pick you up." He said and I smiled at him. We walked to baggage claim and found my bag. We waited until I heard my name being called. "Morgan!" Meghan yelled running to me and giving me a hug. "You're home." She said and I smiled. "Okay, we can have our time. I'll let you guys talk." She said going away to Dylan.

"This is our 100th goodbye to each other." I joked and he cracked a smile. "I don't think it will ever get any easier." He said and I nodded in agreement. "Saying goodbye to someone you love so much will never be easy." I said. "I will see you in a couple of months baby." He said and he kissed me passionately. "I love you. Stay safe please." I said tiptoeing to kiss him. "I love you too. I'll stay safe." He said kissing me once again. We hugged our last hug. We pulled away and he gave me another kiss on the forehead and walked away. Meghan and Dylan gave Jax a hug and ran to me to comfort me since I was already balling my eyes out.

We got in the car and Dylan brought his own knowing that Meghan wanted me to feel comfortable crying on the way home. "Let it out babe. Before you know it he will be home." She said and I smiled. "I know. I suck at trying to stop crying." I said and she laughed. "He's a great guy Morgs and he's completely in love with you." She said making me smile even bigger. "He'll be back in no time." She added and I nodded. I stopped crying and we finally reached home.

"How was Guam?" She asked. "It was freaking amazing Meghan. We need to go on a girls trip there!" I said and she agreed. "We'll plan it soon." She said as we sat on the couch. "Morgs, I know this is none of my business but have you seen Luke's tweets lately?" She asked and I nodded. "Are you thinking they're about me?" I asked. "Well who else would it be for?" She said in a are you kidding me tone. "He's still into you." She said. "Well, he's with Mia now so I don't understand why he would." I said and she shrugged her shoulders. "I bet Mia's not too happy with the tweets he's been sending out." She joked. She disliked Mia since all the looks she gave were I guess not so nice.

"Lauren and Aspyn are coming over in a little bit for a sleepover by the way." Meghan said and I smiled. "You guys didn't have to do that." I said. "Any excuse to have a sleepover we will take." She said and I laughed. "I ordered pizza. It will be coming any minute. You can go shower and unpack." She suggested and I nodded. I walked up to my room and hopped in the shower first. I changed into a tank top and shorts. I tied my hair into a messy bun. I grabbed my luggage and started to unpack. While I was unpacking my phone started to ring. "Hello?" I answered. "Have you got everything settled?" Jax asked and I smiled hearing his voice. "Yes I have. Apparently we're have a girls sleepover tonight." I said and he chuckled. "It's nice to hear your voice baby. I already miss it." He said making me blush. "I miss yours too." I said. "I have to get on the plane baby. I love you." He said. "I love you too." I replied and we both hung up the phone.

I finished unpacking and found my other phone and decided to turn it on since I'm back in L.A. Once I turned it on my phone started to ring and I stared at the caller I.D. 'Luke Hemmings'. I hesitated but answered anyway. "Hello?" I answered. "Shit." He hissed. "Luke?" I asked. "Yeah. I'm sorry. I thought you wouldn't answer." He said. "Then why would you call in the first place?" I jokingly questioned. "Well, your phone has been turned off." He said. "Well, why did you call?" I asked. "I wanted to ask how you were." He said. "I'm good. Just have a girls sleepover tonight." I told him. "That's cool." He said. "How are you and Mia?" I asked. "Oh we're good. I guess." He said unsure. "I have to go. Keep in touch." He said hanging up the phone before I could even say bye.

I walked downstairs to find the girls all huddled around the pizza. "Excuse me." I said and they all laughed. "We all grabbed a slice and sat down on the couch watching Mean Girls. "Jax called." I said and they all awed. "Then Luke called." I added and they all looked at me. "Did you answer?" Aspyn asked and I nodded. "What did he say?" Meghan asked. "Apparently he calls my phone for fun and just his luck I happened to turn it on and answered his phone call." I said and they laughed. "What else did he say?" Lauren asked. "Well, we just asked how each other was and when I brought up Mia he said he had to go and to keep in touch. Before I could say anything else he hung up." I said. "Maybe he doesn't want to bring up Mia because things are rocky between them." Lauren said. "Well, with the tweets he has been tweeting I wouldn't be so happy with my boyfriend either." Aspyn said and we all nodded in agreement. She was right though. I mean if Jax tweets about wanting to make a past girlfriend happy I would be upset with him too. Luke needs to set his priorities straight.

(Attach Photo: The girls making whacky faces with pizza.)

Day 68: While the boyfriend is away the girls came to play. Kidding. My lovely girlfriends wanted a girls night in. The boyfriend approves :) #100DaysChallenge

After watching Mean Girls we all decided to watch White Chicks. We were keeping it strictly comedy since the whole me being fragile thing. They didn't want to trigger anymore tears with a romantic movie. While we were watching I went on to Twitter.

TrulyMorganT: Hello everyone. I'm back in Los Angeles! :)

TrulyMorganT: Girls night in with @LaurDIY @AspynOvard @MeghanRienks

Luke5SOS: I didn't expect that to happen.

Luke5SOS: My emotions are all over the place.

Luke5SOS: To tell her or not to tell her.

Luke: We need to talk.

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