Day Sixty Nine

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"Do you think I should talk to him?" I asked Meghan as we were eating brunch at a cafe with Lauren and Aspyn. "Is Jax strict or do you think he would care?" Lauren asked and I nodded. "Yeah, when I went to an event and I didn't know the 5SOS boys would be there he was acting a bit off." I explained. "Well, maybe you should just talk to Jax first." Aspyn suggested and I grabbed my phone out not knowing if Jax would be able to reply.

To Jax (Heart Emoji): Hey babe. I need to ask you something. So if you can call me. Love you :)

I sent the text as we finished eating our food. "What do you think he wants to talk to you about?" Lauren asked. "Probably still have feelings for her." Aspyn added and Meghan agreed. "I can't handle that. I can't hurt Luke." I mumbled. "It's okay Morgs. Just be honest with Luke. He will understand that you've moved on and so should he." Meghan said smiling at me. My phone started to ring and I became nervous.

"Hey babe." I answered. "Hi baby. Are you okay?" Jax asked with the tone of his voice filled with concern. "I'm okay Jax. Calm down." I giggled. "So what did you want to talk to me about?" He asked and the girls all nodded. "Well, I know how you feel about this but Luke asked me if we could talk. Jax, I know you're uncomfortable around Luke but I think he just needs to hear that we're over and that I'm with you now." I explained. "I don't get why he can't just accept that he lost you. Why does he have to ask you to talk." He huffed. "Please babe. You can trust me." I said. "I do trust you it's him I don't trust." He said. "It's just to talk." I reminded him. "Well, can you just please text me when you guys are done talking?" He asked. "Of course babe." I said. "Okay, I love you." He said. "I love you too, Jax." I replied back and we both hung up the phone.

"What did he say?" Lauren asked. "He was mad and worried at first but I guess he understood where I was coming from after a bit of convincing." I said and they all nodded. "I love it when Jax gets so protective over you." Meghan joked and we laughed. "So when are you meeting him?" Aspyn asked. "I'll ask him to have lunch or something." I shrugged my shoulders bringing out my phone to text him.

To Luke: We can do lunch today if you want.

We got home and I got a text back from Luke saying that he was free and to meet up with him where we usually have lunch. I decided to shower and get ready. I put on a oversized gray t-shirt dress and tied a burgundy flannel around my waist. I put on my pair of white converse and did my makeup and hair. I grabbed my car keys and my purse and headed downstairs. "Wish me luck." I told the girls. "Good luck. Come home right after so we can talk about it." Meghan said and the girls agreed. I went to the garage and hopped in my car.

I got out of my car and into the little restaurant that Luke said to meet at. I walked in and the lady smiled at me. "Hi Miss Thorne. He's waiting for you at your usual table." She said and I smiled at her. I headed to our table and saw Luke playing with his hand nervously not even noticing I was there. I coughed getting his attention and he stood up quickly. I gave him a small hug and we both sat down. "I ordered for us." He informed me and I nodded.

"So..." I said breaking the silence. "I know what your girls think. I called you to meet up with me to get back together. That's not really the case." He said and I gave him a confused look. "I get that you're with Jaxon and honestly he treats you better than I've ever treated you so I'm not going to act dumb and think I have a chance with you. I know we're over." He said and I still looked at him confused. "So why am I actually here?" I asked him. "Well, I thought you deserved to know my side of what went down in Australia." He said and I nodded for him to continue. "Mia wasn't just my ex girlfriend. She is a daughter of someone in our management team. They told me to break up with you because they wanted a thrill and for us to gain more publicity. I refused at first but they said they will break you at that interview. So I agreed. The whole staying with Mia when we were eating that was part of the plan for you to get mad at me and leave me. I wanted to go with you. I wanted to hold you and tell you everything would be okay but I couldn't. They told me to show up late at the interview so I obeyed and when I got there that's when I found out they didn't keep their word. They still humiliated you and you don't know how bad I felt. I thought I protected you and it was all for nothing. You still got hurt in the end. I should have just told you the truth." He said and I remained silent trying to sink everything he said in.

"I don't know what to say Luke." I said honestly. "You really don't have to say anything. I just wanted you to know that I never intended to hurt you. I really thought I was protecting you." He said and I frowned. "Luke, thank you for telling me the truth but I really wish you would have told me sooner. Maybe I wouldn't have hated you so much." I said and he nodded. "I understand." He said. "So how about now? Is it still for publicity?" I asked. "Yeah, but I ended it. I got help from a high person from the management team and Mia's dad got fired." He said and I nodded. "That's good then." I said.

Our food arrived and we started to eat. "I missed this." He said and I smiled. "It's been a while." I said not wanting to say I missed it too. I just didn't want to get his hopes up. "How's your boyfriend?" He asked. "He's good. He doesn't know how long he will be gone for." I said. "That sucks." Luke said and I nodded in agreement. We made more small talk until we finally decided to part ways. "It was good seeing you." He said and I nodded. We hugged and I walked out and got in my car and drove home.

I texted Jaxon to call me since I was home from my lunch with Luke and within a couple of minutes he called.

"Hey babe." I said. "Hi baby. So how was the lunch?" He asked. "It was good. We just talked it out and for your information he respects our relationship and knows that he has no chance of getting me back." I said. "I'm glad." He said. "Jax, he's not a bad guy. I'm going to explain to you something but even after hearing it from Luke I want you to know it does not change anything. I still love you and only you. It only made me see Luke more clearly and was able to forgive him." I said.

I told Jax everything and he understood. He actually even was glad that Luke wasn't a bad guy after all. Though that made him more paranoid knowing that he didn't do anything wrong but just wanting to protect me. I also explained it to the girls and they actually appreciate Luke more now. I felt really bad. I began to think what if that never happened. I would still be with Luke but I can't think about that now. I have Jaxon.

(Attach Photo: A selfie of Jax in his uniform.)

Day 69: Already missing my handsome boyfriend. Love and miss you Jax! <3 #100DaysChallenge

I opened up my Twitter app.

TrulyMorganT: Excited to be working on new designs! Back to work tomorrow! :)

TrulyMorganT: Today was unexpected but I'm glad I know the truth now.

Luke5SOS: Glad I got that off my chest.

Luke5SOS: I'll always be here for you no matter what. :) 

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